Chapter 23

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Khushi called him for the second time now. She was annoyed and worried. Two days passed since he last texted her that he will talk to her at night. But no text came. Instead his cell was off for two days. Khushi was in a panicky state. She called him every hour to know what's wrong. But his phone was all the time off. Today though, it ringed, but he didn't picked up. After some hours she tried again, it ringed, but no response yet. Then she got a text message.
Rudra: For your kind information am at work.

This annoyed her more. How rude of him. She instantly replied, " I know. There's no need to be rude. I was just worried. It's not like as if you care to inform me that you won't talk to me for days, unlike me. It's also not like you own some big factories that you don't have time to pick the damm call and say I will talk to you later Khushi! If it would have been me, I would have made sure to inform you about my whereabouts from any source possible. It's a matter of priorities. "

She was burning in rage now. How could he be so rude? It's not like he gave her quality time or any romantic dates, both of them were carrier oriented. It's just some time that he chats. Still he's being so rude as in he's doing some favor on me. A day passed. No response from his side. She was also too angry to care. Next day, she apologized for being rude. But still no response. Finally she called him again.

Rudra: again you called me?
Khushi: if you won't reply so what else can I do?
Rudra: how can I reply, I am busy with so many factories na *sarcasm*
Khushi: stop it now. I was angry. And by the way you were rude too.
Rudra: what was I rude at?
Khushi: *for your kind information am at work*
Rudra: so? I really was busy with some clients.
Khushi: you could have picked up the phone and tell me you will talk later. It takes some seconds.
Rudra: then you would have asked, later means when? Will you surely talk? And keep on questioning. And I should answer you instead of dealing with clients?
Khushi: I am a girl, every girl blabbers.
Rudra: yeah! Then be a man.
Khushi: am in no way changing my gender.
Rudra: Khushi.
Khushi: yup.
Rudra: shutup.
Khushi: haha. Ok hubby. Text when you get free busy guy.
Rudra: yeah sure. Bye love you.
Khushi: I love you too.

I have news" were the first three words I heard, when I received a call from Rudra. Here I was, about to call him and tell him everything that Bhaiya told me, but guess what??
Fate had some different plans.It always does.
" I was about to call you, I need to tell you something too" I said in my small voice. It was barely audible. I hope he heard it, because, I didn't want to repeat it.

" yeah, but, ok you tell first" he said.
" we had a discussion, at home, I mean, I accepted that we are having an affair. It was getting out off hand. It was so sudden, am sorry, I didn't even informed you about it, but it wasn't planned, it's just that I lost my cool, and spit it off, I am sorry, look" I kept rambling..

" hold on Khushi, take a deep breath, calm yourself first" he instructed.
I did as I was told.
" Rudra, " I started with a more firm voice now, it wasn't trembling. He has such an effect on me, love is so incredible.
" Look, this eve, Aunty, you know Mum of Manav I told you about, she bought me a onesie, and I was furious, that why she's sending gifts for me, so I lost it, and told about us" I explained.
" that's fine, intact it's great, finally they know now. I never liked this, you know, keeping secret affair and everything. So what was their reaction? " he said.

Relief spread through me. I took a deep breath. I was so worried about how he will take it, but it was better. Very much better.

" I am glad, that you are ok with it. Bhaiya told me, he won't force me, so Maanav's chapter is closed finally " I told him.

" Wow!! That's just wow!! Khushi you are amazing.. You know you just made my day.. This Maanav episode was eating my head. I was so worried, your Mom, liked him, and she's the eldest member of the family, so there was a great chance that Maanav guy, will get the perks of being my beautiful and sexy Khushi's husband.. Haash, I am finally at peace today, I am flying in the air darling " he said.
" Rudra, you have left me speechless" I say with pure wonder in my voice. " you never ever told me that you were worried about this, everytime I told you, you just used to listen but not say a thing about the matter. I never knew, you thought Maanav as some kind of competition, I never knew, you were afraid of losing me to him " I stated.
" Khushi, I usually don't express my worries, am just, this is what I am, who I am " he said.

" you don't express, and I keep on rambling, truly said, opposites attract" I grinned.

" okay now stop grinning and tell me what Bhaiya said" he said suddenly with a firm tone.

" ohh, see, he wants us to stop talking completely" I paused, waiting for his reaction.

" why so? Doesn't he likes me? Is it because of financial reasons? I told you it will take time but it will get it about looks?? I swear if it is about looks, I will look much better within six months, I will do anything and everything to please him, tell me, what is it? "

" Whoa babe, chillax, it is nothing as such. He just things, if we talk, we will meet, and if we meet, you know, we will get naughty " I smirked.

" ohh! True, I can't disagree with this. I can never keep my hands off you. It takes everything in me to keep in control" he said so genuinely, and I can hear his smile from the call.

" same here sho, same here " I smiled too, we were really crazy.
" so guess what? We are one of those sex crazed couples. But tell your dear Bro, it is not happening, I will not stop talking, but I can do him a favor and call you once in every three days for an hour" he smiled and I rolled my eyes.

" we will see about that, I will talk to him. Now you tell me, what news do you have? "

I felt so light, after telling him everything, after listening him, before the call I was so upset, but now the fact that he was afraid of losing me to someone, that he will not stop talking to me, that he will do anything and everything to please Bhaiya, I feel so blissful. So good.

" I am going out " he said breaking me from my trance.

" ohh good! Enjoy " I said. Maybe something urgent came up.

" no, Dad is sending me " he said.
Something in his voice made me worried. There was something strange. Dad is sending me, means what? Where? Away from me? Why? How long? All these questions flooded my mind.

" Khushi are you listening? " he asked.

" umm" was all I was able to get out of my throat.

" Khushi, am going Abroad, Dad is sending me " he finally said.

Boom! One sec before I was happy, but life, fate, Destiny call it whatever! Never fails to ruin my peaceful state. Always keeps gifting me some entertaining drama. I wonder whether I should be thankful that my life is never boring, or angry that my life is never normal.


Having fun guys??
I hope you are, and if you are not, don't worry, nothing lasts forever.

Tell me what you think?

Lots of love and peace.
Stay safe and blessed:)

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