Chapter 24

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I was standing in my usual dream white gown, my one hand was pulled by a strong man, and the other one by another. The one on my right was telling me, "Khushi, this is not your future, don't be with him" the other was telling me " Khushi you are mine, my asset.." both were dragging me, roughly, right to left, forcefully. My wrist hurt. I was crying in pain, but they continued their fight. You know what the worst part was? Both of them were close to me, my friends. Very good friends of mine. But they didn't cared that I wasn't happy, that they were hurting me. They did not. They never have, they never will. I was not that luckiest girl blessed with best of friends. Everytime. But then, there came a bright light, and entered a man, in all white. Like an angel. He kicked the guy on my left, who then flied in the air, then he punched the guy on my right, who fell in the water. He then bend down on one knee, took my hand in his, very softly. I strangly compared the hold that my friends had on the same wrist just a minute ago, and the soft way that he held them. He brought my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles. And that moment I knew, he was the one, he was my angel, he was stunningly beautiful, sexy as always, my sweetheart Rudra. And the guy on my right, that felled into the air was my first crush and friend. Who always told me Khushi, this is right, this is not right. Who always told me, Khushi, I like you, but am away from you because of your own good. Who told, everyone, that if I will marry, I will marry only Ravi. Who forgot that I was not his doll, I had a heart. I guess that was because, I let him. I always made him feel, whatever he wants, I will do. We girls, we all are emotional fools. Yes we are. If we decide that we want this guy to be happy, we will do anything, even go beyond limits for them. And guys? Guys are idiots. The girl does everything for them but they won't value her. But once she's with someone else, realization hits in, they realize what they have lost. Harry was one such guy. And I was one emotional fool.

On my other side was my once best friend, Ravi, who just felled into the water. He was a superb friend, who forced me to get into a relationship with him, orelse he would break our friendship. And like the fool I am, I never wanted to hurt him, so I said yes. Now that I think, even fool is a small word for me. He then had some physical wants, which I was not yet ready to satisfy.

Then came, Rudra. The guy, who made me realize, hurting someone is not more worse then spoiling your own happiness. Who made me realize, it's not necessary to love someone so very much, that you wait for them to wish you goodnight, just to know they are safe and at home and spoil your own peaceful sleep. Because the other person never even remembered, someone would be waiting for their wish. He taught me the most important thing, I should never be dependent, on anyone. He made me happy, treated me like a princess, dealt with my various mood swings, all the time. Was there to hear me out, was the most amazing guy, a girl can have. I am the luckiest girl alive.

But then, he's going. My angel is leaving me. He's going so far. So very far. He will find more beautiful women, I know, no women can take my place in his heart. But then, there are sweeter women, more sexier, much more better. And I won't be with him so I will never know. He's so sexy, everyone will try to hit on him. If no one does, then there will be somedays, he will get busy, and not get time for me. Slowly slowly he will get used to the feel of me not being around. And one day, it will end. Like most relationships do. Mostly long-term ones.

" Khushi? Please speak up.. Khushi? "

The voice broke me from my world of imagination. I forgot, I was still on call, with Rudra.

" umm.. Sorry.. When? Where? And why are you going? " I said. My voice was so dry. God! The effect that guy had on me. My body suddenly became cold. So cold, as ice. I never belied until now, that a person can have such an effect on you. I read many love stories, saw many romantic movies, but never believed this actually happens. But when it was happening with me, I realized, love was actually powerful. It can make you extremely strong, extremely weak, so happy, depressed, and so many other emotions in a split second. It had that power, that effect.

" For job, Dad said, he wants me to go. I don't know where until now" he said.

" maybe Dad was just kidding, he won't seriously send you " I said, hoping that something, some reason will cancel, erase his words, and he can be here, close to me. Yes I was being selfish. It was his career, I should not stop him, but I didn't wanted him to go. Anything could happen. I can die when he would be there! Anything absolutely anything can happen. I don't want him to go. But I will not stop him, I want something else to stop him. Someone else, some important reason, or maybe the change of mind of his Dad can work wonders.

" No Khushi, he's serious about it. He's getting my passport ready, within a month probably, I will be gone. As soon as I get settled there, I will tell my parents" he said.

" what will you tell them? " I asked.

" about you, about us.." he trailed off.

That was the best thing he told me in a while. It showed me that he is willing to still keep me, he is willing to make this long distance work for us. I was not alone worried, that I can lose him, somewhere deep inside, he was worried too that he will lose me. I smiled. What have I done to score this guy?

" please don't go. I can talk to your Dad, I know he will understand me, please don't go sho, please" tears were in my eyes, I was pleading, begging actually. He was going. He was actually going. So far. So very far.

" Khushi please, don't cry, there is still time, I love you babu, I love you so much, I will get a job and earn, and your Bhaiya is gonna approve me for you, because I will earn good, even better than that stupid Maanav, just don't cry, everything is for you " he said.

" Don't call him stupid unnecessarily. And I don't want money, I can do without money, but not without you. Trust me Rudra, old clothes will do, boring food will do, but you should be with me. Life will be a beautiful heaven, even without money" I said.

" no Khushi, you are my princess, and I want to give you the best of everything. To you, to my kids, and this is the time to work hard for it. You just have to trust me. I will regularly contact you I promise. Nothing will change. Absence makes a heart grow fonder. Distance will make our bond much stronger. You are gone miss me so much more, and I am gonna love you so much more than more " he tried to make me smile. And it worked. Love and it's powers I told you. I nodded like the silly idiot I was, on the phone, and we smiled together through the tears. God I loved this guy so much. So very much.

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