Chapter Twenty Three

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Sarang got up from that afternoon after school, she had promised not to go anywhere that day. Neither shop, the comic store nor Yojae's house. She picked a pair of comfy sweats and a shirt, determined to spend the rest of the day bonding with the couch. She saw a message in a phone and immediately picked it up. It was Hyunjin.

As much she wanted to reply him, she remembered yesterday night and quickly threw the phone on the bed. He made me blush and then he called it science. How naive of him! I'm a girl after all I'll take my longest time before replying his hello. I'm sure its enough to annoy him.

Picking up a romance book from her bag, she made her way to the kitchen and found her mom preparing lunch. Sarang walked into the kitchen as much as she knew her mom didn't like it. She stood beside her checking inside the pot. "Well done, mom. Egg fried rice for lunch." Sarang said as the smell of the aroma made her stomach growl.

"Yeah, and if you don't get out of my kitchen it'll be ready for dinner." Mrs Hwang replied icily.

Sarang raised her hand in defence. "Sorry, I'll be in my room then." call me if you're done.

Sarang went back to the room and picked up her phone. They was five messages from Hyunjin. Sarang's brow rose and she laughed wickedly. I got him.

Hey I said good afternoon and you didn't reply even though you saw it.

Did I do something wrong?

Haha, is it about yesternight?

Or... did Yojae stopped by your house and said nasty things about me?

Can't blame you, you should be lucky you're the only person I got to say 'good afternoon' to. You better reply or....

"Or what?" Sarang gasped. "Look at him he thinks he he could threaten me because I didn't reply him haha."

Sarang chuckled. As much as I know men hate late replies, it makes them crazy. I won't reply. Let's see if he will stuck a knife through the phone. She continued reading her romance book and then later got up to visit the bathroom. She was nose bleeding again. She always did that when its too hot or cold or sometimes when its too sunny.

She kept washing her nose until it stopped. She looked at the amount of tissues she wasted with her blood. I'll have to get rid of this before mom sees it and become sick worried again.

She returned to the room and saw a light on top her phone, another message. Haha this is fun. She read the last message Hyunjin said and she quickly paralysed in fear. That can't happen, I won't let him. She hurried down the stairs, almost tumbling down but she grabbed hold of the handrail to get some sort of balance.

It was too late.

Her mom's hand was on the door. She didn't even have time to utter a desperate 'no', before it swung open to reveal a tall mass of shiny ebony hair and light brown eyes.

"Good afternoon, Mrs Hwang. Is Sarang home?" an overly familiar voice made Sarang's heart drop.

Her mom heard her breathing heavily behind her and she turned around, an amused smile on her face. Sarang made her way to the door and stopped a few inches away from her so that she could give Hyunjin a death glare.

"Afternoon, my child are you Sarang's..."

"No!" Sarang shouted. "He's just my friend, tell her."

Hyunjin was amused, before he nodded his head. "I'm Sarang's classmates and I was just passing by so I stopped to say 'hi'. My name is Wang Hyunjin."

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