Chapter Twelve 🍻

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Song for this chapter
Cupid - Fifty-fifty

"Why are we at the playground?" Yojae asked and she dropped to the ground. The grasses were so rough but it felt much better than lying down on the road.

Sarang sat beside her and smiled. "I wanted us to come here and clear our heads. This place is very quiet and peaceful, yknow. Watching the boys playing and seeing those couples makes me feel better."

"You're so drunk, how can seeing couples make you feel better?" Yojae said and immediately held her throat because of the pain she felt after drinking too much alcohol.

"I'm single! And I hate it because it pains me." She touched the perfect position of her heart. "It pains here that I want to be with someone but the person doesn't feel the same way."

Yojae threw herself on the grasses. "You better get over that Hyunjin. Let's sing cupid."

"Cupid? Hmm. Good idea." Sarang whispered. "Cupid is the best song to be sang in this situation."

"A hopeless romantic all my life,
Surrounded by couples all the time, I guess I should take it as a sign. I'm feeling lonely, oh I wish I find a lover that could hold me. Now I'm crying in my room."

"So skeptical of love. But still I want it more, more, more. I gave a second chance to cupid..... But now I'm left here feeling stupid. Oh the way he makes me feel that love isn't real, cupid is so dumb."

"Hahaha." Sarang got up and started walking away.

"Hey, where are you going?" Yojae asked.

"I-I I'm going to the moon." She replied and pointed at the moon.

Yojae laughed. "Are you crazy? Only an astronaut can go to the moon. You.. need.. to be.. an anstro...Uh." She let out a little puke. "I'm feeling so heavy."

"I'm going to the moonlight, if I turn around whoever I see would be my man. Yay." Sarang cheered. "Even if it's a not a human."

"Even if its a grim reaper?"

"Yes." Sarang replied and continued walking. "Some grim reapers are handsome."

She looked at the couples and saw how happy the lady was. She must have been happy to be with someone she loves. Sarang thought. Am always so unlucky. I know I am since the day dad passed away. No, I shouldn't say such things. Mom will hit me if she should've hear. She was walking slowly and lousily because she was so drunk and tipsy and her little body couldn't carry the amount she took. She tripped on a heavy grass and almost fell but a hand caught her. She turned around and saw along figure.

"You should be careful." The man said. "You shouldn't walk around when you're drunk."

She looked at the guys face. "Are you my man? No, you're not." She yanked away from his touch. "Don't touch me you're not my man."

"You really are drunk. You better go home." The guy said and continued playing basketball with the others.

Sarang kept blabbering and murmuring things until she reached to the edge of the field, where if she walk a few meters away she'll be lost. The moon was so bright and beautiful and so was the stars. "Hana, dul, set." She counted before turning around to see if they was anyone behind her. She looked closely and saw the figure of a man before her. A tall man, perfectly built and dressed respectfully.

Sarang blushed as she stepped closer to the figure to see who it was because she the moonlight was shining so bright on his face.

"My man came! I knew someone would come! I won't let you go!"

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