Chapter Eight

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Hyunjin walked into the comic store so late in the night. Almost 10:00pm. He walk past Mr Woo who was eating and went into the store. He wasn't so surprised when he saw Sarang reading, it was like he was expecting to see her. Sarang who didn't know he was looking at her, was busy reading.

"I knew I could always meet you here now." Hyunjin murmured.

Sarang heard his voice and quickly looked up. "Huh! Hyunjin I'm sorry we had to meet again. I'll leave." She took her bag and walked past him.

"Wait." Hyunjin called and she stopped walking and breathing.

He went to the place she was and stretched out his hand for a shake. "Why don't we make a deal?"

"A deal?" with Hyunjin?! Sarang wondered.

"I should come to this store everyday and you should come only during weekends. With that, we can't meet." Hyunjin explained.

"Woah! Really? You want me to come to this shop only during weekends because of you?"

Hyunjin placed his hands in his pockets. "Is that a problem?"

"It is." Sarang half-shouted. "I'm respecting you that's why I want to leave this shop right now, because you hate seeing me."

Hyunjin sighed. It was true he didn't like seeing her and anyone around him, but she shouldn't have use the word 'hate'. Hate is a strong word.

"Wang Hyunjin. I'm sorry I can't accept this deal, and you know my reason. This is my favourite store. Goodnight." She sang and walked out of the store.

"I knew it would be hard for anyone to accept this deal." He sat down to read and clear his head.

"What's with him? Did he drink? Just because I listen to him and stay away from him doesn't mean he can keep away from the store. How lame!" Sarang grumbled.

The first thing she noticed when she reached home was there were two other shoes in front of the door beside her mother's. Did her mother had visitors? She went inside and saw her mom talking to a fine elderly woman and a young boy beside the woman. Sarang recognised the young boy as her classmate Ko Woojin. Ko Woojin? What is he doing in our house?

"Oh Sarang, you're back. Come and greet Mrs Choi." Mrs Hwang sang, with a bright smile.

Sarang touch the tip of her eyeglasses and smiled. "Good evening, Mrs Choi."

"Evening Sarang, please come and seat." Mrs Choi greeted.

Sarang sat near her mom, opposite Mrs Choi and Woojin who was staring at her in surprise. He quickly recognised her face as the girl that sat on his seat earlier at the academy.

"Sarang you've grown so much. Look how mature you are now." Mrs Choi made Sarang blush. "This is my nephew Woojin, I think you guys might know each other since you attend the same school."

"Yes of course our class is the same." Woojin quickly pointed out.

Mrs Hwang and Mrs Choi smiled happily. "Then you guys must've been close." Mrs Hwang said.

Sarang was surprised. Woojin is Mrs Choi's nephew? She quickly shook her head in disdain. "We're not close at all. I'm new in the school and I just saw him today."

"It's fine, my dear." Woojin's aunt said. "You guys should be close from now on."

The women laughed while Sarang and Woojin were doing a 'looking competition'. Sarang bit the bottom of her lip. I didn't know why parents think because they're friends so their children should be friends too.

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