6• Nervous wreck

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It's Saturday and we're back in the east side of the island.

I've stayed with my parents at our house but Maalik's family will be attending our church.

It's something I'm dreading because Maalik is said to be on his way to Jamaica and he haven't reached out to me since.

Who nervous like mih.

We missed church last week due to our outing but today is the church forty year anniversary.

With it being a big day with lots of festive and food, the congregation will be big. Especially with other churches visiting.

Food wah me nuh want cause a nuh everybody church can cook.

Dressing up to match mommy and daddy in their lavender outfits, we were off to church.

With daddy being a church deacon, he often participates in many things. One of which is helping guest and he was off helping our special guests.

Looking at Maalik's family, I waved a bit when daddy points in my direction.

After that, I'm looking around that area for Maalik in case he's here and then I felt someone sit next to me.

I froze completely and mommy who was next to me laughs under her breath. Recording the moment.

Deh ooman yah mon.

The moment I felt a hand intertwined with mine, I used my other hand and hid my face.

Leaning into mommy for refuge.

"Me do." I heard and felt more than a swam of butterflies in my stomach.

A bees or wasps dem yah tu backside.

"Mommy, a who dat?" I asked, hoping I'm not imagining or hearing things.

"Nuh mih son-in-law." She tells me. "Mih glad yuh reach, Maalik."

"So am I." He tells her.

"Ya baby Nai?" She asked me. Turning to take my head off her shoulder to put in on Maaliks'.

Mih nervous.

Really nervous.

Extremely nervous.

An him smell sweet eeh.

"Let's turn to hymn 187, Jesus paid it all." The pastor spoke.

I opened my eyes to see when he took my hymn book and opens it.

My head still on his shoulder and I'm still a nervous wreck.

Then I swear I heard angels singing when he sang.

I sat straight and looked at him, forgetting that we're even in church.

Mouth really sweet fih true.

Voice and him breath.

One man can handsome suh?

"Yuh smell sweet ehh." I whispered when he paused after the second verse.

He grins and I got a little pinch from mommy.

I ended up singing the last verse as if the anxiety had vanished.

I kept blushing though. Since my hand was still in his.
What I should've expected was an introduction to be done.

We got few individuals from churches from other communities that gave the name.

I never thought Miss Mary would get up when they pointed out their group of unfamiliar faces.

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