15• Between planning

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The actual days for planning our wedding came.

Maalik finally came out of his father's office where he's been doing his job from. Joining me with the planner and her assistant.

The outfit designers came and took our measurements at first. Leaving a book of designs and ideas of our preferences on the wedding party.

My one issue was my family experiences which the entire Obi family keeps ignoring.

Deh stress mih out.

Yes, my family's own pastor will cover the church wedding while his uncle Kwame will do the traditional.

My friends will cover the bridesmaids party as we girls agreed that the trip needs a part two.

My wedding dress and accessories. I asked about it and was reminded that all wedding expenses is going through one transaction.

"Relax baby." Maalik said and gasps were heard.

I looked at him as if he was crazy.

"Relax?" I asked and he hid his smile. "Relax!"

"Me do..."

"Yuh know what, yuh right. Mih will relax." I smiled. "Patience is my maid of honor for the traditional wedding and Aleena for the church wedding."

It was written down as I said it.

They are all here, my family and friends are tuned in not missing anything despite being miles away.

"Ask mih family and friends about everything, mih go head upstairs and relax, don't Aa'dheen Aadir Kumi Maalik Obi?"

"Baby, I meant..." He tries to tell me but I want to hear nothing of it.

"What? To take a deep breath then exhale?" I blinked.

"Yes?" He asked and wasn't sure if it's the right answer.

He looks at his mother for help but she ignores him.


"Sariyah, the wedding invitations will be there by the end of this week." Miss Mary told my mother over the phone.

"Patience?" He tries at his sister.

"I still have your measurements from the trip. We'll do the fitting when we get to Ghana." She told Aleena and my other friends.

He looks at his aunts, brothers and friends but they were holding back their laugher.

He sighs and turns to me.

I unfolded my arms and points at him. "You won't turn me into a bridezilla, God forbids. Since Maalik Obi needs a huge wedding, he'll do everything while I sit back and relax."

I started sliding off the ring when he got up and held my hand.

"What are you doing?" He was shocked.

"Baby, relax." I used the same words on him.

Laugher fills the room.

"Why are you taking your ring off?" He fans them off.

"The girl you met was relaxed before you made her your fiancé. Which do you prefer, because we can surly wait..." He shook his head. "Yes. We can definitely wait till next year or the year after that to plan all this."

"Shhh." He covers my mouth and I held back a laugh. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me for spewing foolishness from my mouth. You will never hear it again. I promise you."

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