12- Stolen bride

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I've landed into the country of Nigeria safely.

Miss Mary was at the airport upon my arrival as the private jet landed in a private airport outside Abuja.

The place was filled with jets that I know for a fact belongs to the rich people here.

One being my future mother-in-law, as the plane was different than Maaliks'.

I've slept on the fight, so as we journey to her home, I had my eyes looking out the rich architectural structures.

This was the side of Nigeria, or Africa, that the media hid from the shallow minded Western civilian.

She lets the driver stop so I can take photos and videos.

An just like Mister Powers, she came to pick me up with more than one vehicles filled with security. Armed security, both male and female.

I had the privilege to taste Nigerian snacks that were in the luxurious car.

I know she'll suspect what's going on soon enough as I've eaten all the snacks and was still hungry.

Only person that knows is Maalik, though my friends have an idea.

I can not let my family know. Especially my father. He would've wanted this for me after the wedding.

"Once Patience know that you're here, she's go boasting on her brother." She tells me.

"He won't came here, will he?" I asked.

"What should stop him." She laughs. "My dear, you're the magnet and he's the iron. He'll come."

"But he has work."

"A man will do the most when he's in love." She told me. "We're almost at home but you'll see where he attended school some other time."

Their house was big like others inside the gated community of sort.

Yet each property was fenced by high walls and a big gate.

It opens remotely yet there was a security guard that the little housing structure attached to the wall.

It's almost like watching Nollywood movies and seeing a gate man doing his job.

This one was wearing the same outfit as the driver and the others that came with us.

Few left and never drove into the property as if making sure we went in safely.

The sight of the manson surprises me a lot. It was huge, and the ground space could surely hold a large number of people.

Even when the remaining vehicles fell in line with the other in the motor court area where four other vehicles are. Porsche, Jeep Wrangler, red Lamborghini and a Bugatti.

Growing up with brothers somehow helps to recognize vehicles when I see them.

The door was opened for us and I thanked the guard, though still amazed by my surroundings.

Their three story modern architectural home was taller than their neighbors.

An it shows that they really do got money.

"My dear." Miss Mary calls, holding out her hand so I walked over and held it.

"It's gorgeous." I compliments, as we walked.

"Thank you." She smiles. "This is the main house but we have a pool around the back and our female staff quarters behind it."

"A pool?" My eyes widened and she hums. "I asked Maalik if his house has a pool, but he still hasn't told me exactly."

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