11- Departure and Planning

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He's leaving today and I was depressed until now.

Legs wide open and against my chest as his hips slapped against my thighs with every thrust.

Daggering, pushing himself deeper inside me and as much as we were sweaty and sticky from the previous position before this, his stamina never failed.

As we orgasmed, he release my legs as he falls between them.

Lacing his fingers with mine, he leans down and kisses me passionately.

The sweat drips from the tip of his nose and fell on my cheek.

"You feel so good baby." He whispered, grinding still.

My body is shaking but it loves this dominating embrace. No matter how hard or soft he goes at it, I'm always left satisfied.

Then we releases again, and like very time he sort refuge inside me after sex.

Lifting me up as my body already felt like jello, and he took me to the bathroom.

He's flying privately so his aircraft was in a whole other area.

I sniffled as he hugged me tightly, kisses my already tender lips.

Then he moves to my ear as the sounds from other airplanes were loud around us.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I cried, and he held my face to wipe my tears.

He then stoop to put a kiss on my tummy as if we knew his baby was in the making.

"I have to go now. Take care." He stands.

"Safe travel." I wished, pecking his lips then watched him go.

No longer than the minute he went in and waved, his fight attendant closed the door.

I looked at Mister Powers who accompanied me here, then looks back at the plane.

I held back the cries and played with the ring on my finger, resting it where he kisses my stomach.

I had to endure his departure until I could no longer see his jet.

Still in disbelief that he's a rich man. An that he has business to take of so he can't vacation forever.
"He requested that you have a driver or security with you at all times." Mister Powers informed me.

"Can... Can I have Branson since me and my friends and family are familiar with him?"

"I'll let him know." He nods. "Is there anything you'll like?"

"A flight to Nigeria by the end of next week." I said and he types that on his phone.

"Mrs. Obi already reached out and had me scheduled it." He informed me and I smiled.

"Thank you, Mister Powers."

"It's a pleasure, Mrs. Aa'dheen Obi." He teases.

"I like the sound of that." I smiled, getting off at Aleena's gate.

"Would you mind telling my daughter that I bought her something." He pleads and I laugh.

"I'll let her know right away." I got help to bring all the luggages and gifts Maalik left me.

Security brought them to the verandah and out came my friends.

I told Makenna what her dad said.

She smiles nervously and approached the vehicle just as he got out.

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