4- First meeting

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I'm standing outside the arrival area of the airport here in Montego bay. Awaiting the Obi family accompanied by my mother.

She was speaking to the bus driver while I was approached by an old classmate who is working here as a security guard.

We've been talking for a while now and I'm not sure I believe he even works here. It's like he doesn't plan on leaving my side anytime soon.

"Mih love eh look." Damian admires me.

"Yuh naw guh work?" I asked, irritated by his presence.

"Lunch nuh ova yet." He lied.

"Cool." I muttered, looking in to see the persons I'm waiting on. Right on time.

I stepped around Damian and raised the sign with the name Obi marked in black. Around the edges was decorated with glitter and coloured papers cut in shapes. A work done by my nieces and little Xion.

An just like Maalik said, his sister would go crazy and I witnessed it as she saw me.

"Sanai!" She screamed and I laughed.

Dropping the sign when she came and hugged me tightly.

"You're squeezing me, Patience." I laughed.

Har perfume sweet eeh.

After her, I hugged her mom then everyone else that came. All women as the men stayed back to work.

While Miss Mary went to greet mommy, Patience puts her arm around me as we're at the buses that's loading with her family.

By loading, I meant parked.

They bought so much that I'm even sure they were thinking of moving here.

"I forgot you were still on." She said while her brother came in view from her phone.

"Me do." He smiles at me and his sister squeals.

"What does that mean?" I asked her specifically.

"Why?" She beams and I know they're hiding something.

"He keeps calling me that." I revealed and she sighs.

"It's a good endearment or phrase. That I can tell you." She smiles at her brother. "Now off you go, girls trip begins now."

"Take care Sanai, have fun." He tells me.

"I will." I bushed as his sister looks at me teasingly.
"It's all yours." Miss Mary tells me for the forth time.

"But...but?" I stammered, looking at the additional items I was given. "Thank you."

I smiled softly and I looked at everything that is still unopened.

Through a friend of Maalik that is living here in Jamaica, he or his family covered the cost of the private Villa we're staying at for the next fifteen days.

I was in my bedroom when Patience and her mom came in behind my own. They were all bringing in these items I saw them with.

An the one person behind all this was no other than Maalik Obi.

Then after going through each and every item, I couldn't be more surprised.

"No offense to you Miss Mary and Patience, but your son and brother must be crazy." I found myself saying.

"None taken." Patience laughed, then slurps what's remaining in her cup of soda, since we made a stop at KFC and a couple of other places.

"He thought you'd like them." Their mom figured.

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