14- His type

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"Sanai." Patience came in behind me.


"My brother will explain..." She started when I shook my head.

"That's his unfinished business. I won't be stressed over him or anybody in this state." An I meant it.

"Okay, but do my nephew want dessert though?"

Si why mih love har.

Wih both deh yah fih dih food.

"Absolutely." I nod, following her to the kitchen.

I got myself a good slice of cake, add some whipped cream over the icing and had a half lime I found to the side of the plate.

Returning outside to enjoy the cool afternoon.

I got seated ignoring the looks I'm getting, and Patience sat next to me with a thinner slice of cake on her own plate.

"Instead of getting married to some girl, we can work out our differences." The female was telling Maalik who looks nonchalantly at her.

He's seated next to his father and his friends and brothers moved to sit around me.

They literally made a circle around me.

"Aa'dheen." She tries to touch him but he slaps her hand away from touching his face.

"Are you done?" He asked her in a shameful way.

"Babe, come on."

"Don't babe me, Chidi. You said what you had to and my answer is never." He shook his head with a look of disgust of his face.

I took another bit of the cake after squeezing a little lime juice on it.

Patience was looking at me crazily.

"I'm not a stray dog to shit," I looked at them again with widened eyes. "and return to it. I'm a human and that's enough reason things that are fake are bound to fail with time. Look at yourself."

I ate without looking at my plate, well invested in this drama that I was ignoring the looks his family was giving me.

Mih deh nyam like mih nuh just done eat.

"Aa'dheen, don't do this to us." She pleads on the verge of tears. "I thought you wanted time then we'll continue with our engagement. I still have my ring, see."

She showed him her finger.

"That means something..."

"It does." He agreed and I held back my laugher. "I don't go searching for things where I shit."

I laughed loudly and sweetly.

"Sorry. Sorry." I apologies, looking up and squeezed the lemon juice straight in my mouth.

"That's her?" She points at me.

"She is my obi. She's everything you're not. She's real and not fake. She's like precious gold that can never lose it's value no matter how it's molded and shaped. Do you see yourself Chidi?" He hissed at her.

I looked at them but she's staring at me so I stared back and ate.

"Mama, papa. I'm sorry in advance." He said to his parents then turns back to her. "Do you see yourself, Chidi?"

How much time him go ask har dat.

Shi look okay tu mih, though har lace wig needs fih duh better and har makeup nuh blend with har complexion.

A dat him a talk?

"You dey spend all my money to upgrade your body, but can you live comfortably knowing silicone is embedded in your breasts and backside. You're shaped improperly. I'm not a boy, Chidi. I don't play with toys made of plastic. So when I'm having fun with my woman, she doesn't have to worry about me ever messing up any surgical operation. She's comfortable in the body God blesses her with. She doesn't wear makeup or waste hours doing it. Instead, she's doing something productive like being a good woman that deserves a husband. Do I look like a man who wants a woman who buys underwear weekly because she can't wash her own draws because of dey vulture claw instead of short manicured nails. Nails long enough to reach pass your anus and I don't want to know how how clean your ass...  Where are you going?"

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