1- Since the call

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Nothing feels better than sibling rift.

Watching my brothers getting beating from mommy for their carelessness. Big men at that.

They were quick to grab their own breakfast and forgot about their daughters who has been waiting patiently for theirs.

I have just walked in on the madness and they just do it to have mommy's attention.

The McCool household barely has its dull moments.

Having cool and welcoming parents has made the home perfect for their grandchildren and daughter-in-laws. All under one roof.

Santony is the first born, having his first daughter right in high school. Royalty is now ten years old and has been living with us since her mom left her permanently to chase her dreams. Skyy is his four year old whom has her mom living with us, and Ariana is like a mom to both girls. Seeing as she's my brother's wife.

Sanjay is the middle child and is the craziest one in the family. His wife Darian has been his best friend for years and they wasted no time into tying the knot and had their now five year old daughter, Daejanel.

Next is me, the wash belly.

Sanai Serena McCool at twenty four years old and has no love life. Having more than the three overprotective males in my life is a recipe for disaster if a man is involved.

I'm also happy to say that I have better things to worry about. 

Things my parents, Sariyah and Rion has me doing.

Living on a farm has its days, but being a successful business is hard work if our entire family wasn't involved. Though I'm only here on weekends.

Just like me, Daddy is the wash belly and sort to help his elder siblings when he can. That leads him into a path where he had more skills than them. Being a jack of all trades and the number one go to in this German community of Seaford Town.

An being German Jamaicans, we are known for our number one best seller, pigs and their pork. 

The stinkiest animal to have with the sweetest meat, though our parents never allow us to eat it being christians. My first time was a mistake and it was too late when I found out because I ate two portions of that stew.

A secret I've been keeping as I wouldn't want to disappoint my family.
"Yuh guh mek the eggs?" Darian looks up at me and laughs.

"Mih did affi clean the coop before daddy seet." I shrugged, putting the basket of eggs at the edge of the counter where it's suppose to be.

Looking back at my brother's holding their arms where they continues to get hit with mommy's house slippers.

That's the attention they'll get.

"Yuh not going to get ready?" Mommy looks up from feeding Skyy with a raised brow.

"Mih like how unnu a run mih home enuh." I frowned.

"Uno is one. Don't mix me with your father, brothers and uncles." She hissed, putting another spoonful of porridge in her granddaughter's mouth.

"Mih just need to shower." I informed her, grabbing a cup to pour myself more coffee from the pot.

Adding milk as I know mommy has an habit of sweetening things. Taking a taste, I know I'm right.

"Yuh pack a grocery bag?" Santony inquires.

"Daddy." Was all I said.

That man always made sure I'm forever stacked with food as it's something I need to have. Being that it's my job to cover food while living in a house with my best friend who covers everything bills related.

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