7- Future plan

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Getting comfortable in the chair, I smiled at the laughter coming from inside.

"Ketchup and hot sauce, I can use both for the jerk chicken?" He asked.

"Mhmm hmm." I hummed. "It's still hot, suh open the foil bit by bit."

I looked up and met his stare, and I had to smile.

"Do you get this reaction more often?" I realized. "Blushes and smiles from ladies anywhere."

Dih ooman dem a church love him off.

"Smiles yes, blushes aren't what I'm aware of. I'm a different man around you Sanai." He admits as he puts ketchup on his chicken.

I've brought out an entry tray to share for two individuals, daddy left his which end up being mine. What I had returned with were the chilled beverages, water, tropical rhythm and Malta. More than enough for just Maalik and I.

Though I'm eating as much I use to before the stress. Of preparing for the trip and it was taking a toll on me.

We ate a bit of everything, even with mommy passing though with more food and drinks.

Church did long still suh mih glad fih dih food.

"I told you I'll be enjoying your food one day." He suddenly spoke.

"I didn't cook it myself." I lied when he took up the fried chicken.

"Is me do lying to me?" He chuckled.

"How yuh know dat?"

"I saw you." He admits. "You get quite focused when you're in the kitchen. You're an amazing chef."

"Thanks, though I see it more like a chore. I'm in my parents house after all."

"I know the feeling. At my house I hire people to clean, but in Nigeria it's a whole other story. Papa wants me to wash every car in the yard and mama would send me out like an errand boy."

I laugh a little. "Mommy's excuse is that once family needs somethings done, it should be. Always reminding us that she puts us in this world and can take us out. The best part about it is knowing they have reliable children turn well groomed adults and we can be there for them as they were for us."

"I see that when your father drove all the way to the east end of the island just for you." He pointed out.

I looked at him and smiled. "Just how you came all the way from Ghana because of something simple."

"You're health isn't a simple thing, me do." He stares back. "And love will have us doing unthinkable things. Like taking a man's Malta after drinking your own."

I looked down and saw the two Maltas in my reach.

Laughing, I reach for it and drained the bottle. "Thank you."

He laughs too.
I'm currently returning to the Villa where we were in the beginning of the trip since I still got my things there.

My family packed the Obi family with food so what they needed to get were drinks and snacks.

It's three days remaining until their flight home, but I'm not sure how long Maalik will be here and he's smiling and not giving me an answer.

We're doing shopping and he's ignoring his family but bothering me.

"Yuh want big foot?" I asked him.

"I have a pair." He teased.

I tried not to laugh but it was impossible not to.

Shopping so they can bring Jamaican snacks to Ghana and Nigeria for their family.

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