5- He's coming

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It seems I'm the only one visited by the crimson tide in the middle of our enjoyment.

We're in Portland at an hotel enjoying the all inclusivity when it happened. I was out on a boat on a jet ski one minute and the next I'm having the feeling of it coming.

Cutting my fun and my mood to even do anything.

Now I'm laying in bed in my room surrounded by snacks and tea. It's hot outside but with the air conditioner on, I was able to enjoy my many orders of tea and coffee.

Snuggled up with the extra pillows in and staring into my phone at Maalik.

The call is on mute since he's in a meeting but I'm able to see him or for him to see me.

Somehow, I find comfort in being on the phone with him.

Seeing him in his element.

Admiring him, or was this lust. For if it is then I'm sinning daily.

A knock came on my door and I yelled. "It's open!"

"Sanai." Miss Mary called and came in looking worried.

"Hi, Miss Mary." I smiled softly.

"I heard what happened. How are you feeling?"

"Like a stress ball getting squeezed from inside out." I groaned.

"I'm sorry." She tells me.

With Maalik still on the phone which she didn't know. I'm getting babied and fussed over.

She stacked my snacks aside and cleaned up the empty packages from the coffee.

"Mama." He suddenly greets when he took the call off mute and heard us speaking.

"Kumi?" She looks shocked when I turned the phone so she could see the screen.

"My mama." He says happily.

They started exchanging words in what I realized was a mixture of Twi and Igbo language before switching back to English.

Still, the smile remains on their faces and in their voices.

"I love how you both enjoy each other's company." She started. "What I want to see is when you both meet."

"I'm dreading it." I revealed.

"Why?" Her brows furrowed.

I was always blushing, so I turned the phone away from my face.

"Me do, I know you're blushing." He laughs.

"Exactly." I said. "I'm dreading that day because I'll either be blushing or grinning like a booboo."

She laughs. "I can't wait to see that then. Nothing but absolute happiness. It's a blessing"

"As long as he doesn't gift me more expensive things when it's not my birthday. I can not imagine what he'll do then." I sigh.

"Me do, I'll keep buying and you must accept." He teases and I playfully rolled my eyes so he can see. "One day I'm fixing them."

"Kumi, how?" His mom laughs.

"Mama, she's me do." He acknowledges.

"Miss Mary, what does that mean?" I asked, holding the pillow to my tummy when I felt the pain creeping in.

She looks at the phone screen as if she needed approval from her son.

He ended up saying something in his Ghanaian language.

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