19• Two months, too soon

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The month wasn't finished as yet, but it in the middle of the night that I woke up feeling hungry.

I barely made it downstairs when I felt a gush of liquid being released after a strange sound that made my ears pop. It really was strange because it set my body to be moody.

I didn't tell anyone but I did clean myself and the area before anyone could find out.

It was during breakfast, filled with laugher and joy that I filled my stomach. It was after I burped that I revealed the news.

As if having a son wasn't just revealed yesterday, or last night rather.

And it had them staring at me confused.

So, I explained what exactly happened last night and the time it happened.

They fired questions at me and all my answers were no.

I wasn't feeling any contractions.

I wasn't ready to leave for the hospital as yet.

I wasn't in any sort of pain.

I wasn't ready for the baby to come this soon.

But could I get everything I want, no.

Having plenty doctors in the family that were in attendance. They recommend that I go do a check up immediately, despise my intuition telling me that the baby and I are fine.

They just had to calm Maalik who was worried about his first born, and the condition that I'm in despite what I'm telling them. Or telling him.

I ended up right where they wanted me to be, but thankfully in their family private hospital where they didn't mind the crowd of our relatives.

I was given injections to further provide a strong development for the near premi-baby until he's born.

As I'm on bed rest and someone is aways here to attend to me, even to the bathroom.

Five days in, and it took the sixth day to feel the first and last contraction.

Tired and hungry, I was thankfully for the epidural that helps me sleep last minute.

Meaning I woke up to push what feels like a large balloon out of me.

Why was I surrounded by so many doctors was Maaliks' fault.

While half was taking came for our son, the other half was threatened to keep me alive or they're dead.

I smiled though the pain and finally get additional rest after the placenta is flushed out of me.

Enjoying the nap, I awoke to crying which I barely heard after he was born.

He's laying on his fathers' arms as if they were waiting on me to wake.

The nurses helped me to shower then to drink a cup of warm soup that I barely like because there was no food heavy inside.

Mih just love mih Jamaican soup.

The doctor then explains what I should and should not expect. While I'm holding my baby and feeling my breasts getting heavy and stretching.

"How are you feeling, Mrs. Obi?" She inquired.

"Weird." I then moved our nameless baby away, revealed my wet chest.

She told me how to hold and breastfeed the baby with the first milk produced but then I shuddered as he latches on and that was even a weirder feeling.

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