21• Home

438 35 4

"If yuh live inna hut nothing nuh wrong enuh." I blurted, looking out the window.

He laughs harder and had to pull over for the fifth time since we started this journey.

We stayed with our family after the wedding so this morning I'm awoken by him telling me to get ready to see my new home.

All now wih cyaw reach.

"For richer or poorer." I added and his shoulders shook with laugher. "Mih tell yuh bout all the excessive spending enuh. Wih can spend the wedding gifts and..."

"Love, we're already here." He leans against the door with his elbow and his head rested upon his hand.


He points ahead of us and I immediately realized that it's a dead end and there's a gate before us.

Mih chat tu much and naw focus.


He opens it remotely and I'm greeted by a long driveway up to a mansion that's spreads out.

He drove in and I'm just lost in the beautiful of it.

"But... But... I thought there were other homes..." I pointed behind us where I'm looking through the window and seeing how far down the street the property went.

And here I thought it was a gated community that preferred the same type of wall.

"Welcome to the hut." He teases and I slapped his leg. "Okay, the Asare estate then."

"Where mama grew up?" I beamed.

Miss Mary told me about her grandparents that raised her as it was more of her Grandma that had the power in the family.

This very house isn't even a house, it's like a castle from the size of it.

No wonder she loves her garden, because this property has a huge one.

The wedding could've been held here, but I know how the family loves their privacy and can be secretive.

"Yes." He answered and I glances at the truck leaving. "That was the workers who I had baby proofing the house."

"Why?" I asked.

"You'll see."

At the end of the driveway are uniformed staffs lined up as the car came to a stop.

Sinking into the seat, he held my hand and kisses it. "Welcome home Mrs. Obi."

Blushing, our doors were opened and I sighed before stepping out.

"Thank you." I told the man, walking around to be closer to Maalik again.

Mih nervous.

He introduces the staffs by name and I'm glad it was nothing too hard.

He has a cook, a gardener, four maids, two drivers. So one for him and another for me. He has a Butler and has a maiden for me.

There's security for travel and domestic purposes. There are others for our needs in his huge place.

"This is home." I sigh, looking up all the way at the white and gold structure.

It's so I how I know this man loves those two colours and the rich look it gives.

"It is." He smiles as his eyes stayed on me. "Let's take a tour."


I followed him inside through the double doors and gasped. The decor was far exquisite than the exterior designs.

Foreign Fiancé (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now