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Hanyang University

Haerin is listening to her professor in Architectural Design 5, the only subject she likes cause it's about designing, sketching which is the only thing she's good at her course, the rest, she sucks that she needs a video of every lectures that she didn't get even a single bit.

Haerin felt someone poke her and hand her a piece of paper.

"Kang! I need you to do something for me. I'll pay you $500 -Choi"

Haerin put the paper on her pocket, curious what crazy thing Choi is thinking right now? Well Choi or Choi Yeonjun is one of her close friend from Music Department. He and his friends along with Haerin is popular in the University, Haerin maybe not smart but she's really charming that she's somehow popular in the University but she doesn't have much friends because her priorities in life is to make money and finish college to have a better life she don't do parties except there's money involve and that you're going to pay her to attend, that's definitely a yes for Haerin. If you need a girlfriend for hire just call Haerin and she'll be there if the payment is right.



"Yo Choi! What yah need this time?"

"I want you to take care of my Frat party again."

"Okay, $500 is very cheap for this, I'll do it make it $1000."

"Fine, the party will be a week after Architecture College Week."

"Okay, but Choi I need $150 to buy few things to make this party to happen."

Yeonjun just shakes his head and hand Haerin $200. "You're really scam sometimes Kang."

"Come on Choi, I need to live, pay bills and save up, being an architecture student is no joke, it's expensive, pencil 10 dollars, sketch pad, blue print. I need to pay for everything."

Yeonjun again shakes his head, really Haerin knows how to calculate her expenses up to the last cent. "I add 50 bucks buy some good meal, you are very thin. Do you still eat?"

"Yeah, Thanks Yeonjun! I'll go now, I have work."


Haerin driving her bike to one of the expensive penthouse for her Wednesday part time work. A piano teacher, yes she might not be so bright but she knows how to play piano. When her dad was still alive, he was a piano teacher and taught Haerin everything at the age of 12. She knows how to play classical piece and continue playing up to now. She's a volunteered pianist in church every Sunday as long as she's free. She met the family in the church of the kid she's teaching and offer her a job. Of course it's money, Haerin can't say no to that.


Parking lot

On her way to the elevator someone pinned Haerin to the wall.

"Help me." She whispered while her face is almost inch to Haerin. The short girl put the hood in Haerin's head that makes them look like kissing on the side of the wall.

"What kind of help is this?" Haerin asked.

"Pretend you're kissing me."

"Do I get paid for this?" Haerin asked.

"You should be lucky because I'm doing this with you." She said back.

"Lucky? How can I be lucky? I smell your breathe straight to my nose, you just ate barbecue and you're wasting my time let me add that."

The girl blushed shyly. Does my breathe really smells like barbecue? She ask herself.

Then they heard someone.

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