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After the heated arguments with Hanni, Danielle called Haerin to tell her to go home immediately.



When Haerin gets in inside she got a twin slap from Danielle.

"I'm just busy! I told you I'll make it up to you!! Then you're going to fool around hitting on Hanni?! Now I know why you always say it's alright! It's okay! Cause Hanni is fulfilling your needs!!" Danielle yelling to Haerin's face and continue hitting her with her bag.

Haerin being confused, she just touch her face that is very red right now. "What are you saying?" Haerin asked calmly. She can't help herself but to feel sad and hurt at all, she waited for Danielle, she got ditched all the time and she get a slap in return and some accusation that she doesn't even know.

"You're cheating on me!" Danielle yelled again, she bursting in anger right now "I told you wait for me!" Haerin get another slap.

"What are you saying?" Haerin asked while looking at Danielle with no expression in her face she just looked at Danielle with disappointment in her eyes.

Again Haerin slap Lisa, "Stop lying straight to my face! Tell me the truth!"

"Are you done?" Haerin asked said coldly.

With the sound of Haerin's voice Danielle froze a while and saw Haerin's eye looking straight at her, those eyes scream anger.

"Y-you kissed Hanni." Danielle said calmly this time.

"I what? I kissed, Hanni? Where did you get that rubbish?" Haerin asked again

"Doesn't matter, now you tell me. How long you've been cheating on me? Tell me the truth."

Haerin looked at Danielle and sigh.

"You want the truth? Fine! Here's the truth I met Hanni twice this week. First was when you DITCH me, she saw me walking in the street and noticed that I was freezing. She helped me to get a cab and took me home. She even asked her sister to bring food and medicine for me, she sang a lullaby until I fall asleep. The next day she went here and stayed for less than five minutes just to give me food and medicine."

"I don't know what kiss are you referring at all. I kiss her forehead and hugged her tight as a thank you for everything she've done for me. If you called that cheating then I'm sorry." Haerin said coldly to Danielle and went to the fridge and get some ice bag for her face who is starting to swell now.

Danielle froze where she stood, did Hanni just trick her?

"If you're done with your nonsense accusation you may go now. You're a busy right? You have morning shoot tomorrow." Haerin sit in her study table and open her laptop still holding the ice bag to her cheek who now hurt a lot.

Now Danielle feel so bad, she don't know what to do if she's going to approach Haerin and say sorry or she'll leave.

"Lock the door when you leave."

"Hae..." Danielle said trying to approach her girlfriend in the table.

"Not now, you're too much this time."

"Look, Haerin."

"I SAID NOT NOW!" Haerin yelled this time that made Danielle flinch. Haerin never raised her voice to Danielle, she never talk to her like this, not this cold.

Danielle holding her tears, she get her bag but before she left she said her sorry to Haerin.


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