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"What?" Danielle said to Hannah, Ham and Hank. She's busy feeding Hiu in her arm. Haerin was still sleeping, when she arrived to her place this morning.

It's been a week when she gave Hiu to Haerin and surprisingly Hiu gained weight that fast along with the other cats.

Danielle was so shock and annoyed when she saw the other three cats last Sunday but Haerin doesn't have a choice but to keep them and she's loving the cats anyway so she didn't get mad, but she's very annoyed to her friends.

Danielle sigh and feed the three cats while she put Hiu near Haerin. "You're the number one baby you get that?" Danielle said to Hiu, Hiu just meow and start tapping Haerin's face. "Good, tell them you're the favourite one okay? you're the superior cat okay?" Again Danielle said to Hiu.

"You're so cute." Haerin said eyes still closed but her arm is wide open asking Danielle to hug her.

"Good morning." Danielle said to Haerin while she kissed her face.

"Good morning My Jihye. When did you get here?" Haerin asked while she hugged Danielle tighter.

"20 minutes ago, I vacuum your place already, I missed you I have free time can you not go work?"

"It's my day off today, the supermarket told me to come once a week but they won't cut my salary but I have exam later I'll just take it and go home after can you wait for me here?"

"Really? That's nice, and Baby did you shop? I saw loads of paper bag inside your closet and of course I'll wait for you here and play with Hiu"

"No, Mrs Choi gave me that, it's her daughter's clothes that isn't used. Only Hiu?"

Danielle's curious about this daughter of Mrs. Choi. She check the clothes it's new edition from every luxury brand how come she just gave it to Haerin? But Danielle doesn't want Haerin to think about so she just shrugged it off.

"What do you want for breakfast? Yes only Hiu. Hannah, Ham and Hank doesn't like me."

Haerin laughed and kissed Danielle's hand. "They like you, you don't like them."

"Whatever, go take a bath I'll cook for you." Danielle get up in bed and pulled Haerin, gave one more peck and she pushed her girlfriend inside the bathroom. Today, she's going to tell Haerin everything about her being an idol after her exam.

Danielle cooked egg and bacon for
Haerin and hot chocolate, the taller girl gain weight too, she ate three times a day now and she have extra time to sleep but still earning enough money, with the help of someone who paid for her tuition fee Haerin can save more money for herself now, but having four cats is kinda hard for living but Danielle bought food for a month and the gave Haerin a card for 1 year grooming service, Danielle made Haerin believe that it's free when you adopt any kind of cat, good thing Haerin believed her.


When Haerin went to school, Danielle clean Haerin's place, vacuum cats fur, fold Haerin's clothes, Haerin maintain to have good smell in her place despite having four cats but in the drawer in Haerin's study table something caught Danielle's attention a sketchpad that has a letter J in the corner.

"Haerin won't get mad if I check this right?" She said to herself. Danielle's jaw dropped when she saw what's inside. It was all her sketches.

"It's beautiful."

Haerin knew... it was about 50 sketches of her, some was from her airport fan cam's from concert shows. The sketchpad was like a fan art. Danielle bit her lower lip, how come Haerin never told her she knew it already? Or is she waiting for Danielle to tell her?

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