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It's been two weeks since the last time Danielle saw that annoying brunette named Haerin. They've been very busy with promotion and upcoming concert. Now they're in Hanyang University to perform for Architecture College Week.

"Winter told me last time that Hanyang students was a good crowd."

"Really? Did they perform here too?" Hyein asked.

"Yes, Engineering College Week according to her." Kazuha said while she fix her own make up.

"I saw Karina unnie's IG stories that time the crowd was really awesome, they stayed for few hours to watch some students perform, they even rode some arcade here. You think we can do that too?" Eunchae asked.

"I guess? Let's wear glasses, mask and tie our hair like they did." Minji replied to them.

"Are you up with that Danielle?" Kazuha asked.

"Sure, just don't act silly or get drunk this time."

"YES!" The four girls said at the same time when Danielle agreed to the plan.

"Just make sure no one will notice you."

"We will Unnie we'll go out while Enhypen is performing so they won't notice us, for sure the booths, rides and arcade will be free cause the students will be busy watching them."

Danielle just nod, Hyein has a point anyway Enhypen will perform after them plus Le-ssarafim after the boy group.



Being a third year sucks. Haerin really doesn't want to attend the last day of Architecture week because she's tired. Since last week, the third year students is in charge designing everything from banners to props to stage to booths, ride and some arcade. Haerin also helped the fourth year to paint some banners for idol's name so she end up doing a huge 'We Love You Danielle' banner twice her size that took her two days to finish. She's starting to hate that Danielle too, how come her name banner is so big and need to have a yellow background and bunny design.

"Do I really need to be here? Miyeon said I can go home already."

"Come on Hae, this will be the last day of our college week, have fun at least." Beomgyu said while playing some arcade.

"Come on, I'm always here since last week instead of going home early and rest, I stay here and help, I even cut my work for this."

"You didn't had a choice last week, besides you need extra credits, today I'll pay for your time just enjoy with us."

Haerin sighs and get the gun and start shooting too. "Fine, make sure to pay me."

"By the way Haerin, Bunnies are looking for you."

"Bunnies who?"

Beomgyu laughed, "Bunnies, New Jeans fandom's name, you're the one who made the Danielle yellow banner right?"

"Yeah, took me two days, I was about to hate that Danielle good thing they gave me good food in return and they just gave me this Architecture Shirt and Hoodie for free." Haerin said while pointing the shirt and hoodie to Beomgyu that she's wearing.

"They like it and they want to hire you to do some more. They asked for your number so I gave it to them."

"If the price is right why not." Haerin said and continue playing.

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