Lowkey Seduce

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First day of Haerin's examination, she's very nervous, she studied so hard last Tuesday and Wednesday she even asked for a day off in convenience store she really need to focused. She stayed in the library she also asked So Hyun's help and Beom along with Kai, despite of being busy Hanni gave Haerin a reviewer that help her a lot, Dara also gave Haerin a full reviewer in every subject. She can't failed like before and attend summer class for her failed subject, she's incoming fourth year and Hanyang required a no back subject policy for the next incoming graduating students next year.

Danielle gave Haerin a call for a good luck, also Hanni, Minji, Chaeryoung and NingNing called her telling that she can ace that exam.

"Lord, Buddha, Allah, Vishnu, Shiva, Yahweh, Brahma, and all the Gods in the world please let me pass my final examination, I want to graduate on time." Haerin signed of the cross first, she sigh and start answering her paper.


16, December 2017 2PM

Hanyang bell is ringing so loud around the campus and every colleges meaning 2nd semester of year 2017 is finally over.

"Fucking finally, sleep here I come." Haerin said to herself. She texted her friends that she's going home and she'll see them later for Hanyang Year End Party.




NewJean's Danielle and Enhypen's Jake spotted being sweet together what is the real score between them?


Danielle and Jake being cute together while eating ice cream. Netizen is now freaking out!

Haerin just woke up from her 5 hours nap and the first thing she saw in the news Danielle being sweet with other guy. She can't help to get jealous she tried to call Danielle but no answer, she also message Minji but still no answer maybe they still have  practice.

With a heavy heart, Haerin is now ready to go when she heard a knock on her door.

It was Hanni wearing a mask and glasses.

"Hanni, your hair it's pink. PinkBunny."

Hanni laughed. "Aren't you going to invite me inside?"

"Oh I'm sorry come in."

Hanni get Hannah immediately. She kissed her baby cat and sit in Haerin's bed.

"Are you okay?" PinkBunny asked.

Haerin gave Hanni a warm smile. "Did you went here because you think I'm not okay?"

"Yeah, I saw the news after our practice and went here. Are you okay?" Hanni asked worriedly.

"I'm trying, it's just a news right?"

"Of course, wait for Danielle's explanation don't overthink." Hanni hugged Haerin when she saw that the younger girl is about to cry. Hanni was very sincere when she said wait for Danielle's explanation.

Haerin hugged Hanni back. "Thank you for checking if I'm fine. You're the best."

Hanni smiled widely and tightened her hugged to Haerin. "You deserved the best., and oh Haerin here your book, and check page 515."

"Why? But okay." Haerin get the book and put in her drawer. "I'll check it tomorrow and I love your hair."

"I miss your blonde hair, don't forget to check it." Hanni said back. "Where are you going?"

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