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"We're going to stay here for a week?" Haerin asked when they get inside "Oh my god. It's so good Ms. Dara and so big the view is good too!"

"This is your place."

"My place? How about you?"

"My place will be next to yours."

"Oh, but this is so big." Haerin said while looking at her place.

"Enjoy and see you tomorrow, order anything you want just press 5." Dara said plainly to Haerin. Really Haerin has a lot of questions and its draining her.

"Oh, But I promised Hanni I'm gonna meet her later 8PM we're having dinner."


"I don't know she said she's going to send me the address."

"Rest first you still have two hours before 8PM someone will fetch you here around 7:40 just wait for him and gave him the address of the restaurant."

"Thank you so much Ms. Dara. How can I pay them? I only have Korean money."

"The card that I gave you, just present that."

"Okay, thank you so much."

Dara just smile and left Haerin alone, finally she can rest.

Haerin is now checking her place and calls Danielle to show it to her, she told that she saw Hanni and they will have dinner later, Haerin even told Danielle about the limousine ride she have and the wine that taste like shit to her. They talked while Haerin was having a bubble bath. It was 7:30 when they end up the call cause Dara told Haerin that her ride was already downstairs.


Dara's POV

"She's fine Sir she's enjoying every bit of it, now she's heading to meet her friend Pham Hanni."

"Good, just let her enjoy her stay, about the festival make sure you let her decide if she wants to compete."

"Yes Sir."

"If she want to go somewhere let her, she doesn't need to finish that festival anyway keep an eye on her but let her do anything she wants."

"Yes Sir. Her bodyguard is after her too."

"Good, take a rest too Dara and make sure Haerin is safe."

"Yes Sir."



"This is a nice Restaurant Han."

"Yeah it is, you look cute."

"Thanks Han, you too."

Hanni smile and glance again at Haerin, she's wearing crop top ripped jeans and white shoes, her black coat suits her perfectly.

"Let's order now Han."

Hanni laugh, Haerin really is so cute. She ordered.

Lamb chops

Bone marrow on toast with parsley salad

Venison scotch egg


Oyster and lobster

Jackfruit taco


Shepherds pie

Bubblewrap waffle ice cream

"That's a lot, do you think we can finish it at all?"

𝐈𝐝𝐨𝐥 [𝐇𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧+]  Where stories live. Discover now