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"I'm all set!" Haerin said to herself after zipping her luggage.

Her flight will be next two days, and its her day off so she has time to rest. Danielle help her pack and she just continue some cause her baby is having a shoot for Knowing Bros.

"You four!" Haerin said to her cats and get them all. "Be nice to Uncle Yeonjun okay?"

Haerin was about to rest when her phone rang.


"Is that a new way if saying hello now? Yello?"

Haerin laughed hearing Minji. "Maybe, what's up Kim?"

"Are you free? Wanna grab lunch and coffee with me?"

"Sure! Where I'm going to meet you? But is it safe? I mean it's 9AM." Haerin said worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'll handle everything, I'll fetch you to your place, I wanna see Hank too."

"Alright, I'm going to prepare now."

After 20 minutes Minji arrived to Haerin's place surprisingly Hank walks toward Minji and sit in her lap licking Minji's hand and meowing nonstop while Hannah and Ham just ignore her but Hiu? Hiu keeps on meowing to her like he wants Minji out.

"You know Hiu really has an attitude, Hanni and Chaeryoung were right."

Well last time...Hiu bite Hanni while playing with Hannah, Chaeryoung got bitten too. Surprisingly Minji just got a meow.



"Hiu no!!!" Haerin get Hiu in Minji's foot and put in him in his house that Danielle gave.

"It's bleeding." Haerin said and get her first aid kit.

"Don't worry it's just a scratch bite."

"Bad Hiu, he keep on doing that but when it comes to Danielle he is very behave and very sweet."

Minji laughed. "Of course, its his mom." While Haerin putting band aid in Minji's foot, Hiu and Hank is now fighting.

"Oh my god" Haerin said and separated the two, last time it was Hiu VS Hannah when Hiu bit sexy Noona, Hannah got mad. Hiu Vs Ham when Hiu scratch Chaeryoung's toe. "Why are you fighting with everyone's mom? Who thought you that?" Haerin said to Hiu, Hiu just meow and jump out of Haerin's embrace and went to Danielle's favourite pillow.

"Maybe his mom?" Minji said and laughed, she get Hank and kissed him. "Are you fighting for mommy? But mommy's okay, don't do that, fighting is bad." Hank just meow and bury his body to Minji's lap.

"Is it okay if were going to leave the cats in this state?"

"Its okay Minji, if we leave they're just going to play, Hiu just acting like that always maybe he's not used to if someone is here."

Minji just nod.


"You have a nice car Minji, is it really okay if we're going to mall?"

"Yeah, why do you ask that. You went with Hanni all the time same with Chaeryoung right?"

"Chaeryoung not that much we went twice we just message all the time, Hanni, yeah but Hanni always bring me outside the city so it will be safe for the both of us."

"Is that so?" Then we'll go outside the city."

"Are you sure?" Haerin asked.

"Of course let's have some seafoods too."

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