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Danielle make sure she cooked Haerin's favourite food in her apartment, when she arrived she saw Haerin's phone in the drawer that made Danielle frown. Haerin was really mad.

Around 8PM Haerin arrived in her apartment with no expression when she saw Danielle inside.

"Baby." Danielle said and hugged Haerin, but the cat eyed girl removed Danielle's hand in her body as she went inside the bathroom.

"Hae.. let's talk." Danielle knocked. "I've been calling since last night and these morning. I don't even know where you are the whole day, after practice I went the convenience store to check on you but you're not there. Can you at least hear me out over dinner?"

Haerin didn't even respond.

"Please baby, he just wiped the ice cream in my face on his own, the photo was in bad angle, I'm not even smiling. He opened the car for us Haerin, not for me. Please let's talk."

But still no respond to Haerin.

After 10 minutes, Haerin went out of the bathroom, she changed into pyjama and went to bed. She didn't even touch the food that Danielle cooked for her that made Danielle cry.

"Look, I'm sorry.. I know you got hurt that I didn't even respond to your message last night. Min Hee Jin told us not to use phone until we perfect the dance. I'm sorry about Jake. I swear to God Haerin, there's nothing going on between us."

Haerin remain silent.

Danielle sigh and put the food in Haerin's fridge, Danielle closed the light and went to bed and back hugged Haerin, kissing Haerin's back. "Baby, I'm sorry, I really am."

It took 30 minutes of silence before Haerin face Danielle and hug her tightly.

Danielle burst in tears and asked "You're not mad anymore?"

"Sorry, I got hurt, jealous. It's new to me I don't know how react or control these feelings."

"It's okay, I understand." Danielle cupped Haerin's face and kiss her lips nonstop. "I'm so sorry baby."

"Don't say sorry, I should be the one saying sorry." Haerin kissed Danielle's forehead, "I'm sorry for ignoring you, sorry I got jealous."

"It's okay, that's fine. I get jealous too and that's normal." Danielle said while sniffing Haerin. "I love you."

"I love you too so much, Jihye." Haerin sat up and cupped Danielle's face. "Why did you put the food in the fridge?" Haerin asked and pout.

Finally Danielle laughed, they are fine now. "I thought you don't want to eat it."

"As soon as I get inside, I want to sit and eat it but I remember I'm mad so I went to have shower instead."

"That's why decided to ignore me?" Danielle lean her back in Haerin's chest, the cat eyed girl snaked her arm in Danielle's neck. "Yeah cause if I saw your face I'll melt."

"Come on, I'll reheat the food so we can eat I'm hungry too."

"Okay." Haerin said happily and follow Danielle so she can hug her.

"I don't like it when you're mad." Danielle said when she felt Haerin's chin in her shoulder and arms snaked in her waist.

"I don't like it either, I don't feel good." Haerin said while kissing Danielle shoulder. "Stay away from that Jake, he's not even handsome." Haerin pouted and hug Danielle even more.

"I will, don't worry. I only like you and I love you so much, I'm all yours."

"Yes! All mine." Haerin pulled Danielle to kissed her passionately.

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