Super Kang

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A splash of water.

"Wake up!"

"That's cold." Haerin said cutely while she wiped her face using her hand.

"Do you want more?" Danielle said and threw a face towel in Haerin's face.

"Where am I? Why are you here? Why did you splash water in my face?"

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you why Minji brought you here in our place?"

Haerin pouted when she saw Danielle is not smiling at her.

"Jihye....Are you mad?" Haerin asked while she starts pouting she hugged her knees like her mom scolded her.

"Stop doing that." Danielle looked away but a small smile was starting to form in her lip.

"Did I do something wrong?" Haerin stood up and hugged Danielle's waist, she put her chin in Danielle's shoulder.

"Baby.." Danielle whispered, Her weakness is Haerin being sweet like a kid to her. A second later Danielle hugged her back and she wiped Haerin's face who is still wet.

"You bad, you get drunk when I told you not to, you didn't even reply to my messages | was so worried. Then I'm going to see you with Minji? Her arms was at the back of your waist?"

"Sorry Jihye, I didn't mean to, the liquor taste like juice I didn't mean to get drunk. Forgive me."

"Fine, but I'm still mad and we have problem."

"What is it?" Haerin asked then snatch a peck on Danielle's lips that made the older girl grab Haerin's shoulder.

"Hey, someone might see you."

"Sorry, its tempting it's so soft."

She blushed, a terrible one.

"Stop it, but yeah. Our problem is you kinda sleep talk last night and whisper my name you even kissed the pillow."

Haerin's eyes widened. "Oh my God! French kiss?"

Danielle facepalm, that's really Haerin's concern? "No baby, but my friends heard it."

"Oh my God." This time Haerin was the one who facepalm. "I'm so sorry Jihye, just tell them that you're my crush or something like that oh wait I know!! I have a brilliant idea."

"Oh gosh, please better not be a stupid idea please Hae."

"Don't worry, I got this! Is this your room?"

"No, Kazuha's. Minji and I got a bit... never mind." Danielle shakes her head when she remembered what happened.

(Let me take you back 7 hours ago.)

"Are you dating Haerin?!" Minji asked while looking at Danielle.

"N-no." Danielle said.

"Why the hell she'll whisper your name?" Eunchae asked.

"Maybe she has a crush on me?"

"Why are you two fighting?" Kazuha asked to them. "Danielle why the hell did you even checked her phone?"

"Her parents and friends might be looking for her."

"You have a point there, but why she'll say your name while she sleeps?" Hyein asked. She's still shocked. "Why are you two fighting really?"

"Well Danielle got mad, when we got inside and she just grab Haerin harshly and she doesn't even want me to help her wipe Haerin, and correct me if I'm wrong 'Maknae' why are you so irritated when you heard Hanni kissed her?" Minji asked while eyeing her own member.

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