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Felix woke up from the knock on his door. He flinched his eyes but he realized it was only his muscle memory. He didn't have to close his eyes anymore since he got a curtain already, yeay!

"Are you sure he's not busy?"
"Yeah, that's what he said in the text last night."
Felix heard the two men he was expecting chatting just outside the door.

"Annyeonghaseyo," Felix greeted and bowed to Minho and Jisung. He washed his face briefly before opening the door. He let the two came in and opened his brand new curtain, Hyunjin smiled at him from across the window. He was in a phone call with someone as he dresses himself with some suit and tuxedo on his bed.

"Well, do you like it?" Minho checked with Jisung when he looked around. "I'm sure we can make it cozier with some furniture."

"I will, do that. Not we, since it's my place," Jisung shook his head at his boyfriend.

Roamed to the conversation between the two, Felix's eyes wondered to Hyunjin who looked so different from how he usually does. He looked like he was going on a date to a fancy place but it was weird since it's early in the morning. He just realized, he never knew about Hyunjin's personal life, or love life. It somehow made him curious.

"What major are you?" Jisung's question brought his mind back from his trance.

"Business management," Felix answered briefly. "Do you like the room?"

"Yeah, besides the fact it's across Mr. Boyfriend's room. I have a hunch he will make it to a good use," Jisung whispered.

Felix giggled because the two seemed so sweet and cute with each other.

"When are you moving in, then? By the way, you don't need to worry if I would be noisy or something, I work or study most of the time," Felix tried to persuade.

"Oh yeah, and he dances," Minho apparently remembered what happened two weeks ago.

"I don't mind. You can check if my music is worth the dance or not," Jisung laughed. He shows his upper gum when he does.

"I like that," Felix grinned. He couldn't believe that he would get himself a roommate who was so funny yet so understanding.

He also couldn't believe that he would get extra money out of nowhere. Jisung insisted to pay half the rent right away to Felix since he already paid for the month rent earlier.

Jisung moved in a day after, where the two would be meeting the group of friends later at night. Jisung didn't have much stuffs, just like Felix. They finished re-arranging the room in the afternoon and walked to a small food store to eat together.

They talked a lot there. Jisung, just like Felix entered the university one year late than people their age. The reason was because he enlisted to military service and had just completed it a few months ago. Felix didn't have to do it since he is an Australian. He chose to kept his nationality because he was still considering going back there even it's only 10% chance.

His mom kept her Korean nationality even after she was married to his dad for years. She didn't regret it since she really came back after the divorce. His older sister, got his Korean nationality since she had married a Korean and gave birth to his nephew. 'Had' because his sister divorced as well.

Felix knew from Jisung as well that Minho had finished his military service when he graduated from high school, that's why Minho is only on his second year.

"Minho is asking me to come hang out with his friends later," Jisung said while wiping his mouth clean from the stew the two ordered. "Are you coming as well?"

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