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"I'm not gonna stay long," Felix said to both Marion and Miri who just came to start their shifts. They were doing the briefing like usual before lunch time. "I already informed Jess about it. She will be here until the closing for weekly report. Marion, as I said you need to double check the coffee bean order and Miri, you need to double check how many dough for the next day always. Since Saturday and Sunday we don't make much for the lunchtime, make extra only after twelve and not at nine like we did."

"I got it," Miri nodded. It was the first time she was in charge for extra dough since Felix was always there. "Have fun, Lixie. Are you flying today?"

"No, next week," Felix answered. "I'm dividing the posts starting today so I can cross-check if something go wrong before I leave. Today I'm going somewhere."

"You don't need to worry," Marion giggled. "We can do it."

"I believe so. Please tell me if something doesn't work accordingly to posts we have decided, yeah?" He closed his laptop before hanging his apron. "My taxi is here."

The girls waved goodbye to Felix who looked excited. He hopped his way out, putting his beanie on and called someone. "Is he gonna be fine this time?" Miri muttered to the other two girls.

"I think so," Marion murmured. "I never saw him being so excited after a long time. He also smiles a lot these days."

"I know right. As much as I hate the fact that his ex came back three months ago, I'm happy that he at least, treats him right this time," Jess added. "Let's plan a murder in case something goes the other way around."

The two younger girls giggled. They went back to work on Jess' cue and did their best on their posts.

"We're taking taxi?" Hyunjin asked in the hotel drop-off point when he saw Felix got off the grey car.

"Why? You expect a limousine?" Felix rolled his eyes. "Get in."

Hyunjin just laughed off the sassiness. Felix was never like that when they first met, perhaps because all of his anxiety, works and studies. He liked him in the past, he also likes the witty and sassy behavior even now. He just liked his Lixie however he is.

Hyunjin enjoyed the view of streets he never been to since he came to Sydney, much due to his work and his focus on Felix only. He took his camera out of his bag and took some pictures of the people walking, the buildings and Felix who sat next to him with his phone.

"I thought you like painting," Felix commented. He didn't feel annoyed, he just realized that was the first time he noticed something new from Hyunjin. Something he never saw before. He had been thinking that time stopped eight years ago, even though he had moved back to Sydney.

"I still paint, but not when I'm here. I need much more space when I paint now, mostly in my studio," Hyunjin replied. "I started to like photography since Jimin was born. I wanted to record every milestone she had. Look here, your niece."

Felix watched attentively when Hyunjin scrolled his photos on camera back. There were a lot of pictures of Jimin, he didn't know from when and which occasion. One thing he noticed, there was his dad in one of the photos. He clenched his jaws and looked away immediately.

"I'm sorry, Lixie," Hyunjin packed the camera back to his bag.

"How can you be closer to my family than I am?" Felix scoffed. He was annoyed that he missed so much of things he didn't know he wanted. "Here's your Opal card."

Hyunjin received the transportation card from the man with cold expression on his face. "I will show you something later," He tapped Felix's hand that was on his knee.

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