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"I don't want to!" Felix said again before he closed the door behind him. Hyunjin of course ran faster after he opened it and walked faster to catch up with Felix in the elevator.

Felix was pressing the 1st floor button fast but Hyunjin was faster to hold the door and got inside. The blond one hated that he could even hear his heartbeat that didn't slow down from the hug. He wished he escaped it faster, but his body didn't listen to him again. He was too stunned and even smiled before he realized it.

"Why not?" Hyunjin smirked at the blonde man whose hair touched his nape already around the back part. "It'll be fun."

"Why are you so random? Asking me to ride a bicycle suddenly? It's still cold outside," Felix groaned. The elevator took forever to reach the ground floor. He peeked at the buttons and Hyunjin had pressed the basement floor instead without him realizing.

"I don't know, I just woke up this morning and want to do it? And then suddenly you're here, so why not do it with you?" Hyunjin giggled. He actually had no idea how to spend time with Felix and he didn't know either how long he'll be here. He just didn't want to miss the chance of being with him.

"Good bye," Felix tried to go out when the doors opened but he was pulled back by the stronger man. "Hwang Hyunjin, I swear to God."

He lost his words when he turned around and saw the pair of siren eyes starring at his eyes so closely. "I love you," Hyunjin said softly.

Felix blinked fast and his breath was held. The long fingers were kept on his shoulders, he couldn't even shake them off because he was frozen on where he stood. The doors closed and the elevator went down to where Hyunjin was intended to go, the car.

Felix pushed away the gorgeous face that he had to admit. With the suit, especially, Hyunjin looked dashing. "Dickhead," Felix cursed as a reply.

"How about ramyeon picnic by Han river then? Or bowling? Have you tried it? Changbin hyung took me once last year, it was so fun," Hyunjin had it nonstop and Felix closed his ears instead.

"I'm going to Jimin's school," Felix said.

"Good, let me take you there. It's been a while since I picked her up as well. Do you know she has gym class today after school?" Hyunjin smirked.

It shut Felix up, he didn't know it of course since Minho didn't say anything when he asked. He just told Felix the location and what time she will finish.

"How are you going to go there?" Hyunjin asked again. Felix stormed out without answering when the elevator opened. Hyunjin threw his head back before going after him. "Felix!"

"What?" He answered without looking back, walking to the car exit as fast as he could to stop a taxi once he reached the street.

"The car is over there, Lixie," Hyunjin ran to him, almost reaching the short fingers of the blond man when someone suddenly rang his phone. "Shit! I mean hello ahjussi. I'm with Felix right now can I call you later?"

He ran as fast as he could because Felix almost reached the exit of the parking lot. "Argh!"

Felix rolled his eyes when he heard the scream. He couldn't see Hyunjin when he turned around because there was a car blocking his view. The car stopped in front of him and the driver ran back to the direction of the basement while saying something to him. His heart raced and he felt his blood rushed when he finally comprehended the sentence, "Someone is hurt there."

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