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Hyunjin stretched when he finally got off the car, his back felt like it needs massage chair for three hours straight until he falls asleep on it. Seungmin who looked at him, giggling while carrying his books. He still needed to study anatomy even on his holidays. Hyunjin shut his mouth when he was yawning after looking at the textbook covers. "You're not gonna mutilate one of us, right?"

"Do you want to?" He smirked. "At least you will be useful for probably medical history on how humans can be so dumb."

Hyunjin gulped, "What do you mean by that?"

"Never have I ever seen you order someone's drink like that night in a bar," Seungmin giggled again. "Not even girls you hooked up with last year."

Felix who only heard the last part of conversation concluded that Hyunjin was in fact, straight. Then he remembered Hyunjin words just couple of minutes ago, if he is curious about something, he needed to ask Hyunjin himself. He noted it in his mind that he should ask when he helps Hyunjin revising his essay later.

"Jeongin, please help me with the laptop," Bangchan said, he was busy carrying the lamb he bought earlier. Today, he wanted to bring himself and Felix back to their old times in Australia. He prepared what he needed to grill it but he still wanted to work on some project with Jisung and Changbin. Same goes to Felix, since he and Seungmin took a day off from the cafe, he also brought his laptop so he could write some articles to make up the loss.

"Okay, hyung," Jeongin who only had his clothes in his backpack helped Bangchan to take the chill box from the trunk. "Felix hyung, please be my roommate. Just for once, I wanted to share room with someone who didn't plant their face on books." Jeongin acted cute again.

"Too bad, maknae. I will plant myself on the laptop instead until it grows money for me," Felix giggled, carrying his baking stuffs. "Try with Hyunjin."

"Nope, I want to be with Felix," Hyunjin said instantly when he heard what was happening.

"I don't want to stay with you as well, huh?" Jeongin pushed him with his shoulder. "I'd rather sleep alone, he talks in his sleep it scares me and he's also cuddly when he drinks."

The others mocked him right away, telling stories when Hyunjin sang while he sleeps when they walked inside the villa. Jisung and Felix who heard the story for the first time laughed the loudest when Seungmin and Jeongin acted it out. They looked so silly.

"Thank you for your service, everyone." Hyunjin walked away to choose a room and Felix followed him after he put his brownie stuffs on the kitchen counter.

"I'm just running away so I can lay on bed for a while," Hyunjin giggled while rolling on the unused bed sheet.

Felix smiled at him, putting his own belonging on the table in the room. They got the biggest room because they chose first. The others soon complained when they checked the room. "Stop complaining, I paid for the villa," Hyunjin told them off, throwing the pillow at them.

"Who wants to take a walk?!" Changbin shouted from the living room but no one answered.

Felix was contemplating before he ran out of the room. "Me, hyung!"

Hyunjin was left along and he felt something weird in his chest again, just like in the car before. He chose to ignore it and forced himself to nap instead.

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Changbin spread his arms wide and inhaled the fresh mountain air when he finally reached the backyard of the villa. They got their own swimming pool and he felt like he wanted to swim right away but he had something to finish with Bangchan and Jisung before the barbeque time. He knew they'd be drinking and Minho will claim his Jisung right away.

Lucky - HyunLixWhere stories live. Discover now