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Felix couldn't drive, he was shaking and his hands were losing their energy. He already wore the black suit and it was an hour after Jisung woke him up. Jisung who was driving, made a stop to Jeongin's convenient store after picking Seungmin up. He got Jeongin's suit with him.

"You need to eat a little bit," Jeongin handed Felix a triangle kimbap from the store. He bought all of them from the store since he knew it would be a long night for them.

"Who's with Hyunjin right now?" Felix took the first and last bite, he only did it just so Jeongin could shut up. Eating was the last thing in his mind.

"Bangchan hyung, he was with Hyunjin in the hospital seven hours ago," Jisung explained. "He was the one who told us since Hyunjin's assistant only phoned him. Hyunjin isn't talking from the minute he received the news until now."

Felix couldn't imagine how hurt he must be right now to have to receive such news and seeing his parents lifeless bodies. Jisung told him what happened and showed him some news articles already before they left the dorm. The Hwang couple was on their way back home from the airport when a truck lost control and hit their car. Both of them died on site.

Felix tried to be strong, he didn't know what it was like to lose someone forever. Sure he lost his dad, but he was alive somewhere. How about the Hwang companies? How about their family? How about Hyunjin? What can he do once he arrive to make him feel better?

He knew he should give him time to grieve and Felix wanted be there. He should be there for Hyunjin no matter what. No matter how useless his existence must be to be around Hyunjin right now. What else can he do beside being there?

There were so many people when they arrived, Minho and Changbin were already waiting for them outside. "Bangchan is inside, but Hyunjin hasn't said anything. Luckily, not so many people have been coming since it's already late, but the reporters are everywhere." Minho explained to the younger members. They took the back entrance since Minho didn't want to catch the media's attention.

Felix saw many people inside the corridors, including the dining area for visitors. He saw the notice board as they waited for the turn to pay their respect to the deceased. On the board, Hyunjin's parents names, Park Hana and Hwang Heecheol, and Hyunjin's name was listed as the chief mourner. He could see Hyunjin bowed to some people who were already done with their prayers, his head was hang down and he just nodded to whatever the people in front of him were saying. The white arm band was wrapped around his arm and his gaze was empty. Felix's heart was shattered.

When the boys' turn came, Minho burned an incense for the rest of the group then bowed in front of Hyunjin's parents pictures. It was surrounded by flowers and some fruit, mostly apples and Korean pears. Hyunjin couldn't hold himself to cry anymore when he saw his best friends and his boyfriend among them. Felix walked closer to him and Hyunjin fainted in his arms.

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For the next three days, the boys stayed on Hyunjin's side. They sat on the corner, claiming a table as the other tables were occupied by people who paid the respect, ate there, then left.The boys took turns on standing beside Hyunjin, they made sure Hyunjin didn't faint again and ate something even a little. They didn't have to do much, though, since the officials in Hwang company handled everything, including the staffs for controlling the lines. The Hwang couple had so many visitors, mainly from their companies and their business partners.

On the second day, Minho left for home only to comeback three hours later with his family. The Lee family didn't even eat there and went right after they saw Hyunjin. Felix saw smiles on their faces, he hated them so much. They were heartless in Felix's eyes, except Minho of course.

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