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"Lixie!" Hyunjin shouted from his lungs calling the little one. "Lixie! Lixie! Come out!"

Felix got up suddenly from his study desk, worried that something had happened to Hyunjin. "What's wrong? Did you get hurt?"

Hyunjin jumped on his spot, putting his hand out from the hoodie asking the other one to reach it. He giggled to Felix's worried face, "No, I didn't. Look!"

Felix followed where Hyunjin's other hand was pointing at. Outside the big window of the pent house, first snow of the year was falling. The white flakes, fell one after another beautifully. Felix smiled to see Hyunjin's big smile, he looked so precious just like little kid.

"Hurry, we need to make a wish!" Hyunjin squeaked, folding both of his hands with Felix's as he closed his eyes.

Felix followed what he was told. He muttered the wish in his mind quickly then peeked at the taller man in front of him who was still closing his eyes. Seems like he had more wish to make than him. Felix found himself smiling again before leaning closer to kiss Hyunjin's cheek.

"Neige," Felix said softly.

Hyunjin smiled back, opening his eyes to look at the other one. "What's that?"

"Snow, in French," Felix giggled.

"Then what is Light? Lumière, isn't it?" Hyunjin made sure.

Felix nodded, "It is. How do you know?"

Hyunjin pulled him away from the window to their kitchen where his phone was and connected it to the speaker. "Let's dance to this song!"

Felix felt like his body was floating and butterflies started to fill his stomach for the precious moment. They moved a little bit away from the kitchen island, longer fingers wrapped Felix's waist as his short ones tucked on Hyunjin's nape. They moved slowly, following the rhythm and each other's body motion, looking deeply at each other's black and brown eyes.

"Listen to the lyrics, my Lumiere," Hyunjin whispered, joining his foreheads with Felix's.

Should this be the last thing I see?
I want you to know it's enough for me
'Cause all that you are is all that I'll ever need
I'm so in love
So in love
Lumière, darling
Lumière over me


"What? You didn't just-" Felix slammed his steering wheel and pulled the car hand brake as they arrived to their bakery. Looking at his best friend who was sitting on the passenger seat, he let out a big sigh.

"I wish what I told you was a lie, Yongbok-ah. But he was really there, it was him! I'm 100% sure," Jisung gritted his teeth while taking off his seatbelt. "That's why I drank last night. It's just too much to take. I mean- we went here on the first place because of them."

Felix got out of the car, walked to the other side of the door and exchanged looks with Jisung. "Perhaps they're just here for holiday. Family holiday?"

Jisung scoffed, "Yeah, bringing little Jimin to where uncle Jisung is in. Uncle Jisung that his father cheated on and now he wants to show off to me his happy little family." He opened the bakery door and greeted the three girls. All of them could finally come since school was over and Felix didn't need to be behind the counter. He wanted to try out some new pie recipes, though, so he would need Marion. At least Miri and Jess were there for other stuffs.

Lucky - HyunLixWhere stories live. Discover now