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It really happened what Hyunjin said would be. After the fourth week of being hospitalized, Felix was cleared up to be taken home with a nurse to be assigned just like Seungmin had arranged for him. He got off the car when he arrived back to the mansion, with Hyunjin and also Bangchan that was there after he finally had some free time. He was welcomed by Jimin and Mal who was just done with their lunch. Also the ahjumma who had prepared the room for him. He was moved to the first floor, next to Minho and Jimin's bedroom. There was also an additional temporary member in the mansion for the a whole month.

"Yongbooook-aaaaaaaaaah," Changbin shouted from the front door when he finally arrived. Felix who was greeting everyone closed his ears, as well as Jimin.

"Uncle Changbin! My ears are bleeding," She complained dramatically, taking after her uncle Hyunjin behavior. "I thought you were calling uncle Seungmin."

"He's sleeping already, princess," Changbin answered while hugging Felix. "Are you hungry? Let's eat! My boyfriend said that you still have to be taken care of."

"Didn't you just eat, uncle?" Jimin rolled her eyes. "Come on, princess. I helped ahjumma to set your bedroom."

Felix just giggled when she took his hand excitedly. Hyunjin and Bangchan smiled, following the two with the stuffs they brought back from the hospital.

The blond man was wowed to walked into the beautiful bedroom. It had the same vibe with his room back in the dorm. Almost all white furniture, comfortable king sized bed, enough sunlight from the garden and some books about baking on his shelves. Seungmin had also prepared some tools for his physiotherapy in the room near the sofas. Felix truly liked it especially when he saw a big painting above the bed.

"Hyunjin-ah?" Felix called the taller man who was busy taking out Felix's clothes. Besides clothes Felix brought from Sydney, he had been buying more clothes for him as well.

"Yes, Lixie?" Hyunjin turned around and walked to the blond man who had seated himself on a single couch next to the bookshelf, ignoring Changbin and Jimin who played bounce on the untouched bed sheet. "Do you like the room?"

"The painting...it's Lumiere, right?" Hyunjin followed where Felix's eyes were pointing at. He smiled when he saw Felix's smile. "Did you buy it from the exhibition in Sydney?"

"No, Lixie," Hyunjin squatted down to meet his eye level. "The curator of the exhibition was my friend, Sanna. I made the painting for the charity event she held. Do you remember her?"

"No way!" Felix's eyes dilated. "Sanna was in Sydney the whole time? And you- you painted that? Wow, how can I not realize it? Wait, did you..."

"I saw you in the exhibition, that's why I thought you were on a date with Marion. I didn't let her sell it in the end. I bought my own painting for the charity. Not after you saw it, it made me didn't want to sell it." Hyunjin giggled. "Do you like it?"

"Yeah, but...it means, Sanna was Allie's client?" Felix looked so confused. "Geez, why did I know this when Allie and Jisung had flown to Sydney?"

"Yes, Sanna was her client to divorce her partner who is an Aussie. But she's here now, she went back to her ex, Hemi. Jung Hemi was the one who sent guards for us to save you," Hyunjin explained. "The world is small, right?"

"It is!" Felix looked so happy as he held Hyunjin's hands. "I feel so happy beyond words. I just wished I could meet her earlier."

"I told you I have many things to say that I wish I could for eight years, Lixie. Hemi was in a very bad shape after the break up. Remember when we told them about us back in uni?" Hyunjin enjoyed telling stories to Felix, especially ones that bring smile on his pretty face.

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