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Hyunjin let him self be dragged outside the building he went into like fifteen minutes ago. He sighed, feeling stupid of coming alone and was thinking he could save Felix just by himself. If losing his wealth and losing all the plans he had built for years, could save Felix's life, he wouldn't mind it. He would give everything for Felix's safety.

When he walked in to the building earlier, he was thinking about many outcomes, looking Felix laid unconscious wasn't one of it. He felt like he lost every energy from his muscle when he saw it. His Felix was never meant to be hurt, not by someone he had been protected from all these years. He was busy with his mind and regret filled him that he didn't realize he had arrived to a car guarded by two other men. In total, he had to take down these four men if he wanted to break him self free right now. But what about Felix? What about the gun that was ready to be pulled anytime?

The two men who brought him outside gave the location to the other two before he was dragged again into the car. His head was being covered by a black piece of cloth and he was seated in between the two big guys. The car engine was started but the two men suddenly grabbed his arms before the grab loosened and he felt like he was left alone in the car.

He could hear some groans and punched, soon kicking sounds was heard as well. He smiled inside the cloth when he recognized the sounds. "Minho hyung!"

"Hyunjin-ah!" Minho said when he opened the car door. He took off the cloth while panting. "I'm here, I'm here."

"Hyung! Felix is in bad condition," Hyunjin could breath easier and he turned around to let his hands be untied. He then stepped outside the car and saw the four men had been taken down. "Bangchan hyung! Changbin hyung!"

Bangchan came to him and checked his body worriedly. "Are you okay? Where's Felix?"

"In the building, with Minho's mother," Hyunjin answered agitatedly. "We need to hurry, she got a gun with her. If she heard that I'm not going to the station, to admit that everything that has been broadcasted so far was a lie, she would kill Felix and someone could kill Jeongin."

"Hyunjin hyung," Jeongin appeared with Jisung and Seungmin behind him. "It was all lie, hyung. Nothing has been cancelled. Minho hyung's father and his men were detained as soon as he arrived. Changbin hyung called his father and the building is guarded by the police officers now."

"Really? Then what did I hear?" Hyunjin was even more relieved even though his mind still prioritized Felix's safety.

"First of all, you never called to my office phone and she dialed that one," Jeongin started to explain. "I knew you only did it because you were forced so I had to put up some acting."

"Thank you, Yang Jeongin," Hyunjin hugged the youngest really tight. "Let's go save Felix now," He exchanged looks with Bangchan and Jisung as well. The two who were very close to Felix nodded with hope in their eyes.

The guards who were assigned to be with Changbin and Minho took the four men away. Thankfully they didn't use guns or anything so they were taken down quietly. They also didn't have a chance to contact their boss before or after the attack and their burner phones were taken away.

"Hyung, Felix is still wearing his suit," Hyunjin said and Minho took out his iPad right away. Hyunjin examined the location that wasn't so far from they were. "I saw a port with a functioning boat not far from here."

"Let's go there," Bangchan ran first and the others followed him with the remaining guards.

On the port's gate, some more men were waiting and so they were involved in a fight against the hired men from Lee family's side. They stormed to take about twenty of them down with empty hands, meanwhile the men used some kind of sticks.

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