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Changbin sighed, he took off his black tie from his body and unbuttoned his white shirt. He met Hyunjin and Minho today in Hwang mansion after work. The two talked about how their plan is going. He opposed the idea before but he still willed to help with gathering the evidence from the logistic company he had that had been used to ship and storage the distribution for Lee companies. Even though it was scary at first, especially considering the backlash he could get, he was relieved that his only company had done everything accordingly to procedure. He gave the two some records of every logistic that had been shipped in and out of South Korea.

He was still thinking about Felix and updated Hyunjin about it, since he sometimes still contacted Felix who had gone away. Although his head spun when he met the two, he was still listening to the plan and discussing everything with them. It was his first year and his dad who took off from the mayor position had decided to hand over the company to him. After his release from the military, he had no rest but he had adjusted well to the new life destined for him.

He looked at the bar he had in front of him next to the kitchen but he laid his head instead back on the sofa and called a number he always dialed when he felt sick. He opened his eyes after thirty minutes waiting for Seungmin.

"I told you not to skip meals, hyung," Seungmin put his coat down on the sofa and started checking the buffed guy he had liked for so long.

"I didn't," Changbin sighed softly as he was being checked. "It's just I have so much thing in my head now. Are you flying to Sydney tomorrow?"

Seungmin nodded to the question as he check the older's pulse. "It'll be the first time after three years. It's not like we can ask them to come here, it'll be too painful for them. Your temperature is quite high, too."

"We can give as much time as we need," Changbin massaged his temples when Seungmin opened the delivery app. "Order something for you as well."

The younger nodded again, "I know you never cook. How is it going with Hyunjin and Minho hyung, anyway?"

"It's almost ready, Minho hyung's parents unexpectedly trusted him with quite high positions. Just like yours," Changbin explained.

"I'm not, I'm still a resident," Seungmin put his phone down after he ordered some food he knew Changbin needed to regain his energy tomorrow.

"For now," Changbin looked at the other and they giggled together.

"Take a warm shower and eat when the food arrives," Seungmin instructed the older one and pushed him from the sofa while he continued some books he brought in his bag.

After thirty minutes the food came and Changbin also came out of his bedroom with sweater and sweatpants. He looked so cute and fluffy for Seungmin who were already smiling while moving the twigim (*vegetable or meat that is deep fried in a light, crispy batter) from the styrofoam packaging to a plate. He moved in Changbin's place swiftly because the apartment was where the group usually gathered after they were broken apart. As they grew older too, they rarely found themselves in the club anymore. They basically just when to one home or another to cook or to talk.

The two ate silently on the dining table, they talked some more about work. Seungmin also shared the plan they had with Bangchan and Jeongin to visit the two in Sydney. Changbin shared the plan that Hyunjin and Minho had, hoping it would work out and the group would be back together again after that. Even though it seemed impossible.

After the meal, Seungmin took the medicine box he had stored somewhere in the living room cabinets and gave it to Changbin who was already seated back on the sofa. He was watching the football game while he took the pills from the doctor. Seungmin yawned when he watched the buffed guy taking the medicine.

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