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Felix's hand was sweating from the nervousness, it made Jisung's hand wet as well while holding it. The announcement of the landing preparation was announced. It felt only like an hour flight for the two, when in fact it had already been eleven hours. The two had watched two movies since the morning flight took off, three meals and dozens of pages of the book they took on board. They couldn't even sleep even when they planned to. "Han-ah, we're back. We're really back."

The two best-friends had mixed feelings about the trip they arranged. Work trip for Jisung felt like a big task for them since they had only gone back to Seoul once when Jisung needs to extend his working visa. It was only a two days trip and the boys didn't meet their exes as the others didn't announce their coming as well.

"I know," Jisung smiled while closing his iPad from checking the songs that will be recorded in three days. "It's been so long."

Felix nodded, "Look, Incheon bridge!"

The two smiled outside the window watching the familiar landscape. They took their bags out once they plane landed and took care of their sim card after checking with the immigration. "Welcome back, Mr. Han," Said the staff while giving them their number. The two checked if their messengers worked after and went out from the gate immediately.

"Yongbok hyung!" The familiar sweet smile from the youngest welcomed them, followed by Bangchan who already took a day off for his friends.

"Jeongin-ie!" Felix ran to the taller's hug, leaving his suitcase behind. Jisung just smiled and shook his head while pushing the suitcases in front of him. "Aaaaaa...can't wait for your birthday party! Is there anything I can help for it?"

Jeongin shook his head, "You being here is more than enough, hyung. It'll be the first time since nine years ago that you'll be with me on my birthday and not on video call."

"I think I've come to realization that I no longer matter for our maknae," Jisung whined in Bangchan's hug. "I'm so nervous for the recording, hyung."

Bangchan smiled while fixing Jisung's cardigan due to the cold winds. "You'll do well, Jisung-ah. Come on guys. Seungmin and Changbin are waiting for us for the lunch."

The four guys went to the car and more than ever, Felix and Jisung couldn't take their eyes off from looking out the window. Watching the scenery of the end of winter was something they have been longing for. Seoul had finally showed some colors since the snow had melted, replaced by the wind and warm sun if they're lucky. If they're not, snow would come again as if the city doesn't want the coldness to go away so soon.

"Are you guys sure you don't want to tell Hyunjin and Minho?" Bangchan asked from behind the steering wheel.

"Are you sure they don't know already?" Jisung chuckled. "Looking at their behavior, they must have known we left Sydney."

"They've stopped doing it," Bangchan looked at the two from the rear mirror.

"How are you even so sure about that?" Felix chuckled.

"Because they always asked Bangchan hyung first," Jeongin answered. "Or at least make it known to him. Those two guys always need the oldest for advice no matter how rude they are."

"Thank you Chris? Is that what we're supposed to say?" Felix rolled his eyes, feeling betrayed.

Bangchan laughed, "Talking as if you didn't call me when you're drunk, whining that you miss him. So, yeah. Thank you Christopher." He patted his own head.

Seungmin and Changbin welcomed the two men from Australia with big hugs. Of course the big fans of Korean foods chose authentic Korean restaurant for their friends. There were several banchan spread from the long table edge to the other side with various meat in the middle, ready to be grilled. Felix and Jisung's jaws dropped when they entered the private room provided by the expensive restaurant.

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