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"When do you know, you realize, that you loved him?"

Hyunjin smirked, putting the empty shot glass in front of him and twirl it just so it danced beautifully on the bar table. He took a deep breath and looked at the middle aged man in front of him who just asked the big question.

"It was in December, my second year into the university and his first year. We had known each other for nine months but I didn't ask him to be my boyfriend yet. On that particular day, we drove from the pent house, then we made a stop to an art store before we arrived at the cafe he usually sang at. In the pent house, we ate snack after lunch, he made his brownie. Gosh, it was delicious, every living being needs to try it. Then I paired the gooey brownie with my americano. He looked at me like I'm the most precious thing in his eyes when I dipped the sweet to the bitter coffee. He has this sparkle around his face, it only disappeared the night I told him I hate him."

The long fingers of the raven haired man poured the second shot of the night, "In the art store, he asked many questions about the paints I was looking at. He wanted to know the difference, each one of them. I knew he wasn't interested in painting but he wanted to know everything about my interest. He tried to understand me to every little tiny details. When we arrived at the cafe, I was seated on the table near his small platform. I ordered another coffee after I had a pasta and Minho hyung ordered a steak. The cafe was quite small but it was cozy and the food was good even though they didn't serve luxurious entities. It was Taylor Swift week for her birthday, so the cafe only presented her song for the whole week. There was one song..."

"It went like this; Small talk, he drives. Coffee at midnight. The light reflects. The chain on your neck. He says, "Look up" and your shoulders brush. No proof, one touch, but you felt enough. And a part that hit me hard; You're my best friend and you knew what it was. He is in love..."

He giggled, chugging the third shoot after he sang the song. "I remember clearly because I've been listening to it non-stop after that. In the same month, I said to him that I loved him. I still do though, I still very much do."

"This will end very soon, we're on track. Minho has been doing very well, too," Said the man.

Hyunjin sighed, "It better be, I miss him so much." He let the tears fell on their own as he touched the sun earrings around his helix.

"Thank you for protecting my son, Hyunjin-ah," The older one wrapped his arms around the younger's back as he cried harder.


"Han!" Jisung heard his colleague called from the school stairs when he was about to head home. The term had ended and as December was ending, here comes the summer break. Jisung found it weird before but he realized the country is on another part of the planet, the summer landed in the end of the year, unlike South Korea. "Why are you so in hurry?"

Jisung smiled at the other man not so tall among the Australian but taller than him obviously. "Oh that, my friend needs me. It's that time of the year he wanted me around more than ever. I should be there before he got drunk in the middle of the day."

"Felix? What happened to him?" The man in suit just like him looked curious.

Jisung for a moment forgot that he had actually asked the man once to watch his gig in Felix's bakery after their date a year ago, "It's just that time of the year when his ex-boyfriend asked him out for the first time. Anyway, do you have something to say? Or I-"

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