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Felix opened his eyes and everything was blurry. His body hurt as he tried to move it and he groaned the pain out. He was sure he broke a bone or two from when his car was hit, but he couldn't tell which ones because everything was just too painful. Some blood dripped around his eyes, but when he tried to wipe it he realized that his hands was tied.

He felt even more pain as he gained consciousness and trying not to cry, he bit his lower lips. His white shirt had been stained with blood and the black suit had been ripped here and there. He felt like dying but the pain only told him that he was very much alive.

"Hello, nephew," A voice was heard, it was unfamiliar. He looked around the empty storage and found a woman stood in front of him. She looked just a little bit younger than his mom. As the woman grinned, he looked away from the disgust. He didn't need to find out who she was. He remembered the face when he saw it in Hyunjin's parents funeral vividly. It was the same cruel and greedy face, even after years.

His stomach was kicked and he felt some blood filling up his mouth almost immediately. "You need to respect the older. Such a mannerless kid," She squatted only to receive some blood splattered on her face.

Felix smiled with his bloody lips, "That's my greeting."

She slapped him, very hard, and kicked his stomach one more time with her high heels. Felix screamed out of pain, he wanted to be killed instead because his stomach and chest felt like they were burned. He curled his body to numb the pain, even though it didn't work.

Don't die, Hyunjin will come, don't die, you need to be with him, Felix spoke to himself. 

"That's right. Don't die, nephew. I need you to lure him here. The son of Hwang companies, how dare that young man did this to me? After manipulating my Minho for years and made him turn his back on me. I raised him to be a leader and he left me just like that and for who? For his best friend? For his boyfriend? For his uncle?" She kicked Felix's body so it laid on his back. "Or for you? The cousin he never met but he protects you? Ruining his own life for the mere of love, I can't understand how stupid he is."

"I think you're the one who is stupid, you're asking so many questions even now," Felix smirked. He spat some blood in his mouth again so he didn't choke himself.

He got kicked one more time and with that, he lost consciousness again.

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The police officers and detectives bowed as soon as they saw who entered the door. The ex-mayor put both of his hands behind his back, "Who's in charge of arresting Lee Minho?"

One of the team's chief raised his hand shakingly, "M-Me...B-But I got an order from the head of department. I swear I don't know anything about it. I just followed his order."

"Well now the order comes from me. Release him," He looked at Minho who was standing behind the bars. Soon the very detective who arrested him in the house an hour before, opened the lock for him and Minho ran immediately to Changbin and his dad."

"Thank you, uncle," Minho bowed.

"No need to, son. Do what's right, go to your daughter and take care of everything," Seo Kangho turned around and smiled. "I need to have some words to the head of this rotten police department now. Off you go!"

Changbin hugged his father and ran with Minho as soon as they can. "Update me," Minho asked once he hopped on to the car.

"Jimin and Jisung arrived safely in Hyunjin's office, they are guarded by Jung family special team. Seungmin, Jeongin and Bangchan hyung will start the broadcast in five minutes. Hyunjin is going to Felix and your uncle is going to some boat company. I think your parents are making plan B in case their plan don't work," Changbin said while driving as soon as he can.

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