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Felix's hums filled the spacious room of the black haired man sleeping in his hug. He couldn't have asked more from the situation. Even though Hyunjin hadn't said a word about his parents' passing and the situation in the company, he felt glad that he could at least, be with him. 

Hyunjin cried again before, hugging Felix from behind and wet his shirt. "I'm tired," He muttered after he hiccuped the tears that started to slow down.

"I know, but you need to eat first," Felix brushed his thumb on Hyunjin's hand that wrapped around his waist. "Take a warm shower. I will bring the dinner here."

When Felix was back to the taller's bedroom, he was already done with the shower and drowned himself in the paper. He was nowhere near ready to lead a company and now he had to lead seven. Felix didn't say much and just placed the food on the table helped by the head of the maid. He then fed the man and didn't even eat for himself. He only thought of Hyunjin and Hyunjin only.

When the frequency of the yawning had gone too often, he pulled Hyunjin's hand and led him to the bed. Tucked him under the blanket and brushed his long hair softly as he drifted to the dreamland. In the morning, he woke up alone again.

This routine went on for the next two weeks, when Hyunjin came back late and Felix took the dinner to the room for him when he saw the cars arriving from his window. Sometimes he fed Hyunjin, sometimes he was busy with his own study. But both of them spent the silent hours almost every night, except for some nights when Hyunjin went overseas.

Hyunjin hadn't said anything, but it was okay. He would be okay, Felix always told himself.

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"I checked everything already and followed every step you sent," Said Felix to the grandma on the other end of the line. "Uhm, it's tasty. Yeah, we got the right taste. Can you check this?"

The head of maid took a bite from Felix's hand and nodded to agree, "Wah, yeah this is it. So the pears are really the secret weapon."

"Thanks, halmeoni," Felix smiled even though she couldn't see it.

"Aigoo. I'm so happy to hear that. I hope he can be cheerful again after this. My poor Hyunjin-ie," She spoke as if Hyunjin was her own grandson. Felix felt so touched by the affection as he also hoped for the same thing.

"So you decided on the menu? There will be eight people coming next week," Felix double-check with the head of maid.

The head of maid smiled happily and ran to her room to see Felix's approval. She had grown to like the blonde man because he always treated everyone kindly. He almost reminded her of the passing Mrs. Hwang, only he was a boy. 

"Mr. Lee," A familiar voice called him when he was pushing the kimchi container back to the kimchi fridge. "Hyunjin has landed and will arrive in ten minutes, he asked for your presence in the study room." Kim Jungwan continued.

"Really?" Felix smiled, he felt so happy. This was the first time Felix saw him after four days and Hyunjin wanted to meet him first thing. He told the head of maid to go back to her room with the list of menus since he wanted to wash up before Hyunjin saw him.

Felix walked with light steps on the corridor leading him to the study room. He felt awkward to see the unfamiliar door but he knew Hyunjin would be just inside it. He knocked and Hyunjin answered right away.

"Hi! How was your flight?" Felix greeted cheerfully. "I baked some brownies."

Hyunjin didn't seem to respond when he saw the other. "Please sit down."

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