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Felix was dressing himself neater than usual. Blue cardigan and white T-shirt along with grey beanie, what a cute combination. Hyunjin examined the boy who didn't notice his existence behind the canvas across the window. Minho left with Jisung to Minho's place, they left early in the morning. Seungmin of course, will sing with Felix tonight and Changbin will come there for them. He sighed, still watching Felix putting on the white converse high and left without looking back. He opened his curtain for nothing, Hyunjin scoffed at himself. What a waste of time.

He opened his phone to reach who were available, Jeongin and Bangchan. Jeongin whined for sandwich and Bangchan agreed in the group call. The two older boys always found themselves weak at the youngest's request. He got himself ready with whatever he could reach the fastest in the wardrobe and went outside.

"Hyunjin-ah," A familiar feminine voice called him when he was on his way to pick up Jeongin in his apartment. He found the building rather inconvenient that he had to go to the lobby first before he can get into another lift to the basement.

"Jung Hemi, hi," Hyunjin smiled to the girl with short peach hair. "You're staying here over the weekend?"

"Yeah, I'm going to my friend's party. Where are you going?" Hemi smiled kindly to her classmate. "Anyway, professor from Drama and Theater Studies assigned us together for a content analysis assignment. You didn't open the class group chat. It's due next week."

"I didn't," Hyunjin grinned. "Thanks for reminding me. So what do we need to do?"

"Ugh, I want to discuss with you but I don't want to miss the bus," The girl played with the strap of her bag anxiously.

"I can take you there, I'm not in a rush," Hyunjin offered feeling guilty for the classmate.

Hemi nodded cutely, "Okay. I only said yes because I kinda had to find the script on my own and you had to repay me for that."

Hyunjin just smiled at her cuteness and asked her to follow him. The girl was surprisingly very smart and Hyunjin found himself relieved that he was put together with her. He didn't really talk to her in the class unless he needed to but Hemi didn't judge him for his anti social behavior. She was more concern if Hyunjin had to repeat the subject.

"I will send you the document link so we can do it together online, perhaps on voice call or video call?" Hemi followed up the previous discussion as she take off the seat belt.

"Yeah, we can do that," Hyunjin smiled and waved at her when she got off the car.

"Another girl, Hyunjin-ah?" Kim Jungwan said when Hyunjin finally picked up his call from his car screen. He didn't connect his phone before because his annoying assistant had been calling him many times since last night.

"Stop following me. I'm not a kid," Hyunjin sounded so flat when he is annoyed. "What happened?"

"Your parents asked me to check on you. They heard you rented a villa last week."

"I did, for me and my friends. We got drunk and slept. Then we went back to campus, I'm on my way to eat with Yang Jeongin and Bangchan now. What else do you want to know?" Hyunjin looked at the car that stopped behind him from the rear mirror. "Please take some paintings from my university dorm and move them to my place. Don't set me up on some pointless events until the semester ends. I have a lot of things to do."

"And when are you going to visit your parents?"

"When are they going to be available?" Hyunjin started to drive again to Jeongin's place and the car still followed him.

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