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Summer were at its peak as the flowers on the tress completely disappeared. It's been the fourth month of Hyunjin's third semester and final exam will be next month. Time surely did fly. He had just finished his classes and it was Friday so he needed to go back to his parents' house. He had postponed his coming for three weeks in a row since he got many assignments. Luckily Felix was there to help him proofreading and giving him feedback to develop his ideas.

He looked around the lake in the middle of the campus waiting for someone who might pass by.

"Hyunjin-ie?" Another familiar voice called him and the owner of the voice walked slowly to him, smiling. She was the one he had been waiting for.

Hyunjin smiled, too. "Halmeoni!" He ran and bowed to the old lady.

"How are you doing? It's been a while since you walk here alone," The old lady probably in her 50s put her bag in front of her body and fixed the big visor hat on her head that protects her from the sun. "I saw you often, but you were always with your friend with the yellow hair. Is he new here? Your junior?"

"Yes, he is. I'm sorry, I haven't been talking to you much lately. I'm going back to my house by the way, please be ready for the food tomorrow."

"Hyunjin-ie, you don't cook so it's better for you to keep the food to yourself," The old lady said, she looked worried.

"I took a little before I gave it to you. My fridge isn't too big in the dorm so it's better if you can save energy from making the kimchi for yourself," Hyunjin smiled at her, his eyes almost disappeared when he did so.

"You can give it to your friends, they-"

"Sssshhhh," Hyunjin put his index finger in front of her mouth. Both of them then laughed.

"You seem to be in a better mood. You smiled more these days, is it because of your new friend?" She grinned. "He must be a good guy. Most of students here never even greeted me. Only you and him did."

Hyunjin smiled even more to hear it. Felix was a ray of sunshine, he was happy everyone could see it too. "Did you talk to him?"

"No. He always rushes somewhere. To the library, to classes, to cafetaria or maybe somewhere around the campus," She complained. "Anyway, I'm late for my shift. Be careful on your way home."

Hyunjin waved her goodbye and drifted his eyes back to the lake. Looking at the sentimental view of small waves on the water surface and the tress swaying softly, Hyunjin decided to call his friend before his assistant's car came. He must be in the library at this hour.

"Hi, what's up?" Felix's voice sounded calm.

"Nothing. Thanks for the help, I will take you out for dumpling soup when I'm back. I know a good place," Hyunjin smiled even to hear his deep voice.

"Did you submit the short story?" Felix got up from his chair in the library to stretch.

"Yeah, I did." Hyunjin laughed a little to hear the sound he made from the stretching.

"Are you finally going back to your parents' house?"

"Yeah, I am. What's your plan for the weekend?"

"I will practice with Jisung for the songs for his first stage tomorrow. Minho hyung is coming too. I think they argued again about the schedule being on the weekend," Felix sighed. "Anyway, have fun!"

"I doubt if I can," Hyunjin kicked his shoes on the dirt. "I heard you wanted to learn how to drive. Do you still want it?"

"Are you talking about me with Jeongin? I only said it to him," Felix sounded curious.

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