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"Marion! Miri! I have to go!" Felix hang his apron and took his cross bag in hurry. The two who were preparing the bread for the next day shoved the two-way door opened but they were even surprised that Hyunjin was still there.

"You're going with him?" Marion's nose and forehead crunched up. "You sure?"

"Yeah, he didn't take his car. Minho drove to my house and he got bitten by Kkami. Can you please go there and take him to the vet? Check if he got any virus?" Felix sighed looking at her.

"Of course," She looked unsure but she willed to help. "Be careful."

Felix asked Hyunjin to follow him still with a cold look. He got on the driver seat and didn't even bother to look at the other one when he spoke, "This is only because Minho hyung got bitten by my dog and I'm afraid that he'll die because of me. I still don't forgive you. Why the fuck didn't you drive yourself anyway?"

Hyunjin wanted to smile by the rant because Felix looked so cute with the pouty lips. "You can hate me all your life. I deserve it. The driver side is on the left, I am used to drive from the right. Minho hyung could drive both sides since he's ambidextrous at birth."

The blond scoffed, "Continue the story. I don't want to drive you like one of your servants. You got this one shot to explain everything to me, Hwang Hyunjin."

"Minho hyung always knew about the dirty works his family have been doing for the past twenty years. That's the reason why he didn't want to be the heir, he didn't want to be the doll they control. His uncle's appearance was a ray of hope for him and the fact that your father also thought the same about it. Your father fled to Sydney to keep you safe. He knew if he led the company, he would change everything and your aunt didn't want it. So your aunt sent a woman to seduce him. She was your mom. The only thing he didn't expect was, he really fell in love with her. She also fell for your father at first, until his business didn't go well and she asked him to bring you to Seoul and claimed the throne he was supposed to get. Your aunt threatened to kill you if you ever showed up in front of your grandfather. That's why he's been sending her money to prevent that."

Felix laughed a little, "Just when I thought my childhood was at least the only good thing happened to me." He tightened the grip on the stirring wheel.

"Your sister wasn't much of a threat for her since Minho hyung was born, but your grandfather never knew that your father had a second child. He moved here before you were exposed to the family. Your family used to live in Daegu, where your mother is from and your father still came to Lee mansion sometimes, so your grandpa never really sent people to watch him. When your aunt got Minho hyung, she became greedy that your grandpa finally took a look at her. When you were born, he hid you right away. If your grandpa knew, he would ask him back to the house and your aunt, she is just so obsessed about the wealth. She would track you down and get rid of you."

"That was why he also asked me to break up with you. He didn't want you to be seen while you're doing everything to publish the company wrongdoings to the public. For the first two years, he taught me everything I needed to know to control my own company. He did it because he's my God father and my dad asked him to do it years ago, in case he's gone and he really was gone before he finished teaching me. I felt like a lost lion with a pride to lead, but I didn't know how to hunt and I had to leave for a while on a training quest. Then, I enlisted and he controlled everything from the background, not to be seen by your family. When I was back, Minho hyung was trusted enough to enter the company so started to collect all the evidence we can get and publish it to my broadcasting company only last year."

Felix nodded, "I saw it on the news. Jisung did too. He thought about him as well and he called Seungmin. He came to Lee mansion to check on the grandfather, he was in bad condition he said. But he didn't see Minho hyung around."

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