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Hyunjin and Felix got dressed warmly before they left the hot spring. Hand in hand, they drove back to the resort where Hyunjin had something prepared for him. Felix felt tired but his body was so relaxed after the warm bath. He was starving as well, Hyunjin said he wanted to cuddle up under the blanket and spent the night watching drama with him so he was excited to go back and ordered food quickly. However, when he opened their suite, something romantic was waiting for him.

There were so many candles and flower petals on the floor, making a path to the table where he ate dinner with Hyunjin last night. "What's this?" Felix looked back at the other.

"I want something romantic for us," Hyunjin smirked pushing Felix's shoulder in front of him after taking his bag and left it in front of the door. "Let's eat."

Felix enjoyed the dinner, they got some cream soup, salad and beef wellington. It reminded him of Australia again. "Okay I'm full, can you tell me what's this about?"

Hyunjin sipped his wine, he chose the earliest year for both of them so it's a bit sweet, matched Felix's liking. "I want to make it special for us. I realized I haven't take you on a date."

Felix smiled happily, "I love this so much. Thank you, Hyunjin-ah." He was about to hug Hyunjin before Hyunjin suddenly stood up and took something from their bedroom.

"Felix, hmmm...." Hyunjin looked hesitant and nervous when he was finally back. "Here you go."

Felix knew immediately that there was a canvas behind Hyunjin's slim but muscular body. His body was bigger, taller than Felix but still couldn't cover the width of the canvas. Hyunjin looked so proud when Felix was done ripping the brown wrap and smile appeared on his face in instant. Hyunjin had brought his digital drawing onto the canvas, the window that got him smiling from across the tower. From behind the window, there was Felix with apron looking from behind, he was baking something.

"The one on my iPad wasn't done, this is the final," Hyunjin explained, looking at the stars inside Felix's face. "One more thing."

Hyunjin took something from inside his padded jacket and ran back to Felix who waited patiently with smile on his face. There was a black box and when Hyunjin opened it, Felix was shocked. "Earrings?"

"Yeah," Hyunjin nodded, "Moon and Sun. Most of the times I looked at your window and the sun was just next to it, so this is for you. And also because you're a sunshine, you have warm personalities that keep me alive even in the coldest days." Hyunjin took the sun earring and put it nicely on Felix's ear.

"That's for shining brighter than the sun," Hyunjin smiled and his eyes disappeared. Felix always found his eye smile adorable.

"I like when you become a poet. And the moon?" He asked. "It's not always together with the sun, right?"

"Correct, the moon is me," Hyunjin pecked his lips. "Ah, this is harder when I have to say things about me."

Felix giggled, "Should I do it for you?" He stood up and asked Hyunjin to sit down. Their eyes meet and they could feel each other's breath when Felix was putting the earrings on Hyunjin. "You're the moon because I also can see the moon sometimes next to your window. When the moon isn't next to it, then it would be around the sun, you know because it has its own orbit. And when you're not in your room, guess where you are?"

"With you, my sun." Hyunjin answered and he grabbed Felix's hands to pull him closer to his chair. "Hey, sunshine, wanna go on more dates with me and be my boyfriend?"

"What choices do I have?" Felix teased, sitting on Hyunjin's lap while smirking.

Hyunjin liked this side of Felix so much. These sides only shows when he is comfortable and relaxed. Only then, Felix would be so playful. Only then, Felix would make the first move on him. "First, you can say yes and kiss me." Hyunjin whispered in sexual tone.

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