Chapter 2

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I wake to a faint humming noise that sounds like a mechanical fly. I realize I'm in an elevator, which isn't great news. I had passed out against a wall, but I'm now standing up. I realize Darth Vader is in there with me and he immediately grabs my arm, telling me not to run away again.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask.

"The Emperor wants to meet you." Darth Vader says. I suppose it's a relief to have a destination in mind. However, the answer doesn't give much comfort. The Emperor was a forbidden topic of conversation on the moon where I grew up. Even though we were isolated from the Empire's reach, there was a widespread paranoia that your words could be reported, leading to certain death or worse. Despite the hushed tones, rumors about the Emperor still spread like wildfire. The few people who came in from other planets always had the best rumors. Some claim he possesses the power to conjure lightning with a mere thought. Others say he single-handedly defeated several Jedi masters during the Empire's early days. And if you're ever unlucky enough to cross paths with him, they say you might get the best reward of your life...but you're most likely about to die.

So by the time the elevator doors open, I'm shaking like a pebble in the wind. Darth Vader pulls me forward, still holding my arm. The glove is scratchy and weirdly cold against my skin. My face is streaked with tears, but otherwise dirty. By now my clothes are torn and my shoes are goodness knows where. I assume my eyes are puffy from crying. My leg still feels like it's on fire, and I hadn't even noticed until now that the metal of the handcuffs is causing some bleeding too. Overall, I'm glad there are no mirrors in this room. I probably look like a mess. But I am an utter mess, so it makes sense. The gray swivel chair at the front of the room turns and I see the Emperor.

My first impression is of an old, deformed man. But I banish the thought before anyone can sense it. That was in the rumors too, that the Emperor can sense thoughts. The Emperor has such a powerful, dark aura around him that I immediately know that even if he is old, I had better not make him mad. Darth Vader pushes my shoulder. My leg-the good one-gives out and I fall to my knees. My pants brush where the blaster shot burned my leg and I wince. "Ow," I mutter. I'm terrified and trying hard not to show it. I'm pretty sure my eyes are wider than normal, though, and I'm trying and failing to stop hyperventilating. My senses are in overdrive.

"This is the girl that sent five soldiers to the medbay with the Force." Darth Vader announces. I fight the urge to duck my head.

"Well done, Lord Vader. Welcome, child. What is your name?" The Emperor asks. I debate answering. But what's the harm in telling him my name? Not that I trust the Emperor. Far, far, multiple light years and star systems away from that.

"Luea," I say, willing my voice not to crack. It doesn't but is just a bit higher-pitched than normal. Oh well.

"And your surname?" The Emperor inquires.

"Why do you care?" I challenge. I glare up at the emperor.

"What did you say?" He asks. His voice is deadly quiet. Fear pangs deep in my chest, but I ignore it.

"Why do you care what my family name is?" I ask, loud and clear. The emperor stands, yellow eyes sparking dangerously. A bolt of lightning crackles from his fingertips. The blue streaks hit me and I scream. It feels like my insides are being set on fire. I fall onto my side on the floor-Darth Vader had let go of my shoulder-and convulse. The lightning stops. I pull myself into a sitting position.

"Who are your parents?" The Emperor asks. That's harmless, I think. At least it is for me.

"I don't know. I'm an orphan. All I know is one of my parents was from Naboo and the other from Tatooine." I say, coughing. My head pounds.

"How old are you?" The Emperor asks. I snap my mouth shut, which only results in more lightning.

"I'm nine," I say, my voice shaky. I'm fighting not to cry, but I don't think that would go over well. I'm still shaking, but it's sudden, violent tremors that come at random times now. My vision tunnels.

"I'll ask one more time: what is your surname?" The Emperor asks.

"Sky-Skywalker," I whisper. I fall limp as the pain takes the last remnants of my strength.


As Luea falls limp, Darth Vader catches her shoulder so she doesn't hit the ground. Despite the red-tinted mask affecting his sense of color, he notices the striking similarity between the young girl's eyes and Padmé's. But that was impossible. Padmé had passed away before giving birth. At least, that's what Palpatine told him... "Leave me," Palpatine orders. Vader carries the girl away. As he holds her, he can't help but notice again how much she resembles both himself and Padmé. Luea's hair is the same light blonde that he had at her age, and her height resembles her mother's. As they enter the elevator, Luea lets out a slight whimper, and a single tear falls from her closed eyes. Vader hesitates for a moment before wiping away the tear. Underneath the dark mask, his eyes flicker between yellow and blue.


I wake up in a chilly, bare room that exudes a sense of coldness and unfriendliness. The room only contains a bed, a metal desk, and a dresser. I feel a sense of fear as I realize that I'm all alone and have no idea where I am. My clothes are worn out, torn, and stained, so I put on a black tunic and matching pants that I found inside the dresser. As I approach the door, I hesitate, unsure if it's safe to leave. I'm afraid of encountering anyone who might harm me, but at the same time, I'm curious to explore. When I finally take a step forward, the door slides open automatically, surprising me. Back on my home moon, we had to push our doors open, and I'm not used to this kind of technology.

"What do you know about your father?" Darth Vader asks after a second. The question surprises me, and I look up.

"I don't really know much. My father's last name was Skywalker. He was killed along with my mother at the end of the Clone Wars," I say with a frown, feeling a bit uneasy. "Um...why are you asking me about this?"

"I just wanted to know what you were told," Darth Vader responds. I blink several times, feeling my nerves kick in.

"Why do you want to know? Did you happen to know my father?" I ask cautiously.

"I am your father."

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