Chapter 15

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I wait outside the door where they're holding Leia. I'm not allowed in, but I can wait here. "You can't keep me here. My father is Bail Organa, he's a senator. I am a princess of Alderaan." Third Sister approaches with a stormtrooper as a guard. As if she needs a guard. I hop to my feet then join Third Sister as she enters.

"That's cute." Third Sister says, entering. "You have no rights here, Princess." She approaches the table. "The Empire doesn't take kindly to Jedi sympathizers."

"He will come for me." Leia says.

"Oh." Third Sister leans down. Leia scoots away. "Obi-Wan is dead." I know that's a lie. Third Sister knows as well. I frown. "Nobody's coming for you." Leia looks down. For a second, I can see myself in that same room, with that same expression. Third Sister clips a pair of handcuffs onto Leia's hands.

"We intercepted a transmission on Balnab last year. Bunch of talk of a secret network. A Path." Third Sister paces. "We thought it was a lie. But a safehouse, like the one you were in, has been found in two systems." Third Sister holds up a piece of wood. She slams it on the table. Both Leia and I flinch. On it is the symbol of the Jedi Order, the two flames with a star in between. "I need to find out where they are, Leia. And I think you know." Third Sister lowers her voice so only Leia and I can hear.

"How did he die?" Leia asks.

"He burned to death on Mapuzo." Leia lowers her head. I have to find a way to tell her that he lived. "The people I'm looking for left him there to die." She squats so she's eye level with Leia. "If you tell me where the Path is, you can go home to your family. This can all be over." Leia looks up, her eyes determined.

"I don't know anything about a Path." She says. Third Sister tilts her head.

"Well, let's think a little harder, shall we?" She stands abruptly. Third Sister reaches out a hand toward Leia's head. Leia winces.

"Is this a staring contest?" She asks. Third Sister doesn't answer. A second later, she jerks her hand away. Leia lets out a breath.

"You're strong. The braver you seem, the more afraid you are. I learned that at a very young age as well." Lola, Leia's droid, is pulled into her hand. The droid beeps frantically. It lands in her hand. "I had a droid when I was younger, too. It was taken from me. Like everything else." Third Sister walks around the table to sit by Leia. "I know what it's like being alone. Kenobi is gone. The people you're trying to protect, they are not coming for you. The only person that can save you now, Leia, is you." There's a silence. "Tell me where they are. We're all on the same side here. These people, they'll leave you too. To die."

"Okay." Leia says. "I'll tell you where they are. I just don't want anyone to get hurt..."

"I give you my word." Third Sister says, putting a hand to her chest.

"I'll have to tell my father first." Leia says. "That's okay, right? You said we're all on the same side." Third Sister puts it together.

"Nice try, Princess." She gestures at a stormtrooper, who grabs Leia. "I hope you like pain."

"I'll never tell you where they are!" Leia shouts.

"Then it's time to make those tears real." Third Sister says. The stormtroopers grabs her by the arm, picking her up.

"Let go of me!" Leia shouts.

"She's a kid. Do we need to do this?" I ask quietly.

"She is an enemy of the Empire." Third Sister says.


"Quiet, unless you want the same thing to happen to you." Third Sister snaps. I stop talking, but I don't follow Third Sister. I won't be there for this. Maybe I can find a place to contact Senator Organa. I hurry out the door and almost run face-first into Obi-Wan.

"Obi-Wan!" I whisper-shout.

"Luea. Are you okay?" Obi-Wan asks. I nod hurriedly.

"You have to hurry. They're going to hurt Leia." I say, then point down the hall.

"Come on." Obi-Wan hurries down the hall. I shake my head, following him through the door.

"I can't go with you. I'm staying here." I take a step backward and the door starts to shut. "May the Force be with you." The door shuts and I run down the opposite hall, away from the soon-to-be crime scene. A few minutes later, the whining alarm blares. They've escaped, or at least are on the run.

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