Chapter 26

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Returning to school is weird. For one, Leia has joined and sits beside me in every class we have together (which is over half of them). Alek is also around more. According to Leia, he was really happy when I'd told my father that we were friends. And then there's the other kids. Everyone in school wants to be my friend. I'm not going to lie, I like the popularity. No one makes fun of me, and even though I stick with Leia and Alek as my friends, I'm able to come out of my shell more without worrying about what others think.

For the next two years, Alek and Leia stay by my side every hiccup in school and I stay with them through everything they have going on. It turns out Leia and I have the same birthday, which sparks some jokes from Alek about how we might be secret twins or something. He comes up with all these unrealistic ideas, but it makes us all laugh. My teachers try not to show any favoritism, which I appreciate. They occasionally make references to it, like when we were having a fencing unit in Physical Education, and Commander Starfall joked about just letting me teach the unit (I did end up teaching one lesson for extra credit). Or once, in Galactic History, Professor Kyrss was talking about a recent battle against a rebel group I'd led (Father was there, of course, but he let me direct the troops) when she'd said "the battle was won thanks to Commander Naberrie." Everyone turned to stare at me. I'd just shrugged until Professor Kryss added "of course, during that time, she missed some very important lessons." And everyone laughed as she gave me a pretend stern look.

That's another thing. I'm not entirely sure why, but according to the public and media, I'm Luea Naberrie, not Luea Skywalker.  I don't know why, but I don't correct anyone except Leia and Alek. They know I'm a Skywalker and Leia almost immediately figures out why. "It's because of your dad." She explains as we work on homework in the library. "If someone figures out your dad's last name is Skywalker, they'll figure out who he is under all the...stuff." Alek raises his head from where he's laying on the floor.

"What do you mean, figure out who he is?" He asks. I shrug. Leia rolls her eyes.

"Seriously, have neither of you heard about Anakin Skywalker? He was a super famous Jedi in the Clone Wars, was good 'friends'," she puts air quotes around friends, "And to be honest, you kind of look like him. Same hair color, but different eye color." Alek and I exchange a glance.

"We haven't covered the Clone Wars..." I start, then stop. "No, wait, I have heard that name before. My father told me how the Clone Wars started, and I'm pretty sure Anakin Skywalker popped up. And, from what I've read about how the Jedi Order was super corrupt and emotionless and stuff--"

"Which is not at all biased," Leia interjects. I ignore her, even though she's right.

"--then maybe his feelings for my mother somehow drove him to the Dark Side." I finish. Alek nods, sitting in his chair again.

"That could make sense." Alek agrees. Leia gives him a look.

"Of course it makes sense. I came up with it." I check the time.

"Actually, speaking of my father, I'd better get back. I'm probably in for it as it is." Alek and Leia stand as well.

"I have never heard of anyone ever speaking so calmly about being in trouble with Darth Vader." Alek says, shaking his head. I chuckle and replace my book. This is one of the few places of Coruscant where there are still physical books.

"Come on. I'll drive you guys home." I'm the only one of us that has a license. My father taught me to drive and honestly, I've never had to show anyone that I'm allowed to drive. People are surprisingly fine with kids driving. We race through the halls (at least five teachers tell us to slow down) and jump into the speeder. Alek gets front seat and Leia sits behind grumpily. But her grumpiness is forgotten quickly enough as we drive.

Until a nearly building explodes. People swerve away, screaming, and suddenly there's a lot more to do. Alek and Leia scream, covering their heads as debris rains on us. A chunk of stone hits the engine and we spiral out of control. A squad of stormtroopers roll up. I land on a platform, then jump out. "Stay here." I tell Leia and Alek. I sprint to the squad.

"What's going on here?" I ask. A trooper barely gives me a second glance before telling me to get lost.

"Not a place for kids." She says.

"You realize who you're talking to, right?" A different trooper asks in a whisper. She looks down and me and realizes.

"Commander Naberrie, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize—"

"It's fine. Is it a rebel attack? Is anyone in danger?" The squad commander calls everyone forward. I decide to go with them.
Crap. Crap crap crap. It was definitely a rebel attack and they seem to be determined to finish the job. Blaster fire is pretty much everywhere. I crouch behind an overturned couch and wish I had my lightsaber. I peek up, trying to see where the rebels hide, but a blaster bolt flashes past my cheek, so close I can feel the heat, and I duck back down. Instead I reach out for their consciousnesses. "There are ten of them. Two floors up." I lead the troopers along a safe path, but by the time we get up to the right floor the rebels are gone. "Did they steal anything important?" I ask.

"We don't know yet. We were just sent to stop them." An engine roars beneath us. I stick my head out the window. The rebels stole my speeder.

"I'm in big trouble." I mutter, then turn back to the troopers. "Report back. If your commander has any problems, tell him to come to me." The squad leader nods and the troopers march out. I just jump out the window and flip before landing on the strip where my speeder had been. "Leia? Alek?" I call. A face pokes up from a small hiding place made by debris. Leia emerges, just looking shocked. "Alek?" I wait for him to come out. Leia shakes her head.

"They took him." She whispers.

I stand stock-still for a second. Then I sprint to the edge of the pad, looking out. The speeder is nowhere in sight. "How?" I ask. My voice breaks.

"He was right behind me, going to hide, but they stunned him. Something about getting off Coruscant." I curse vehemently.

"Of course. Alek is leverage." I give Leia a hand up. "Come on. The sooner the Empire is alerted the sooner we'll get him back." The troopers haven't left yet, so we get a ride back with them.

From the Imperial Palace, Leia calls a taxi to take her home. I'm left to deal with Father, who is most likely furious. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I still don't like it when people yell, but I'll deal. I enter the building and head to my room.

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