Chapter 25

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Empire Day approaches in a blare of excitment and activity. Celebrations begin nearly two weeks beforehand. I have to sleep with a mask over my eyes and earplugs in just so the constant noise and flashing lights don't keep me awake. We're all given a week of school, although I don't actually get much time to rest. My father keeps me busy in training, there's party preperation going on, and there's always some kind of problem going on. By the time the actual holiday comes around, I'm more exhausted than if I'd actually been in school the entire week. On the day of, two people crash into my room at 0500, before anyone should be up ever. They dress me (because appearently now I can't dress myself) in fancier Imperial tunic and pants, then spend six hours on makeup.

I'm not even joking.



They spread a concealer across my face, taking extra time on the scar across my cheek. It's not even visible in most lights anymore, but they cover it so thoroughly even I almost forget it's there. Any other blight blemish (the small birthmark over my eyebrow that just looks like some extra hair and the few freckles on my cheeks) is covered. Then they start on drawing out my features again. My eyes are adorned with black eyeshadow and my lips are dark red. When they're done I look more like an adult than a kid. It's so weird and it feels wrong. When they're finally gone just before lunch, I wipe some of the lipstick off, just so it's a lighter pink.

After a short lunch break more people come in to work on my hair.

By the time the city has fallen into night (though you couldn't tell because of the flashing party lights) I'm battered and defeated. By makeup and a hairbrush. Some Sith I am. I slouch in my chair, giving up on sitting properly. I turn so the lights don't flash into my eyes. My door slides open and I turn to see my father. "It's time to go." He says. I stand, leaving my lightsaber on my desk. "Take it."

"My lightsaber? Really? Won't that make it obvious that..." I trail off.

"The Emperor ordered it." Father says. I nod. I see. It was Father who didn't want people to know what I am, to protect me or give me as normal a life as possible (or other reasons I don't want to think about) and now Emperor Palpatine is ordering the information to be released. I clip the hilt to my waist and follow my father out the door.

The party takes place on the top floors. I'm supposed to stand with my father beside the Emperor in his throne room. It's not until I enter the room that I realize that this is where the old Jedi Council had met. Of course, I had never seen it while in the Jedi's control, but I can imagine it. Probably full of light and windows, probably elegant but plain, and full of Empire flags and propaganda and stuff. And my prediction turns out to be right. Dark Imperial banners in between the windows. People come and go, some approaching Emperor Palpatine with compliments or just a simple (or complex) bow or curtsy. Most are too scared, and just stand on the edge for a minute before leaving again. I stand beside my father as the stars slowly turn in the sky. Music plays faintly, but other than that (and the occasional person) it's silent. I don't know why, but I'd assumed the party would only be a few hours, and it'd be done by 2400. But it goes on for longer. And I have nothing to do but stand. And stand. And more standing. About an hour after midnight, I see a face I recognize. Alek, looking at me with awe (and maybe a little horror) with his dad. I return his gaze but I don't let my expression change. After a few moments he disappears.

After another long hour has passed, I start to get hungry. My stomach rumbles. I flush as both my father and Emperor Palpatine look at me. I want to shrink away from the emperor's stare but I don't. "Sorry." I whisper. I can't tell what my father is thinking, but the emperor seems more amused than angry. Somehow that's even scarier.

"Go get some food and return to your room." I nod and dip my head to them both (mainly the emperor, but don't tell Father that) before hurrying out into the large party rooms. Food lines the walls of every hall, every room, everything that isn't a dance floor, talking space, or a bar. I don't recognize anyone. A Twi'lek couple walking past give me a quick, unimpressed look before walking on. I weave through people to the food tables and grab a plate. I can't remember exactly which room is the exit, so I end up walking through half of them before I spot the small door Father and I entered through hours ago.

Before I can take another step, someone grabs my arm. I whip my arm away and turn. It's just Alek, followed by another girl our age.

"Luea, are you okay? Why were you up there with Vader and Emperor Palpatine?" Alek asks. The girl pushes past him.

"Luea?" She says my name like she knows me. I rack my brain. The answer comes surprisingly quickly. I don't know many people my age outside of school and I know I haven't seen her in school.

I smile at her. Leia hasn't grown much taller, but she still seems a lot different than when I last saw her. "Leia! How have you been?"

"I'm fine. What about you? Are you okay? What's Alek talking about?" Leia asks. I cast a glance around. No one is paying attention to the three kids talking with each other.

"You two know each other?" Alek asks. I nod, but keep my attention on Leia's question.

"I'm fine. Remember, I'm an Inquisitor in-"

"Training, I know, but Vader? And Palpatine?" She asks. I nod. "Really? Is it scary?" She asks. I think about the question for a minute.

"No. Well, Emperor Palpatine is, but my father won't hurt me." I say. Both Leia and Kael stare at me with open mouths. I give them a tiny, guilty smile. "Surprise?"

"What?" Leia asks.

"And why didn't tell anyone?" Alek asks. "You realize Eryn, Tara, Zarek, and Jaxon would never bug you if they knew?"

I nod, stifiling a yawn. "I know. I didn't want to be treated differently." Alek rolls his eyes.

"You wanted to be bullied?" He asks as if I'm stupid. I shrug.


"Luea, you are supposed to be going to your room, not talking with the guests." Leia and Alek both take a small step back and blood drains from their faces. I turn to my father.

"I was just talking with my friends." I explain. "This is Alek, he goes to school with me, and this is Leia. I met her on ... a mission a year ago." They both bow slightly.

"Say goodbye. Quickly." Father says, crossing his arms.

"He's happy to see you." I whisper to Leia and Alek, leaning in slightly.

"I can tell," Leia says, sarcasm dripping from every word. I laugh and lean away.

"'night. See you in three days, Alek. Leia, see you around, I hope." Father places his hand on my shoulder and guides me away. Once we reach my room, I start to enter it but Father stops me. I look up at him inquisitivly.

"Sleep in tomorrow morning. There won't be any lessons." He says. I nod.

"Thank you, Father. See you tomorrow." I enter my room and quickly change, wash my face, and get into bed. I don't bother taking out all the braids and stuff. It'll wait for the morning. For now, sleep.

This chapter took so long to finish! I'm so sorry! I couldn't get a ride to my after-school sport so I was waiting for a while for my mom to pick me up and I finally finished it 😅.

I will *try* (I'm sorry Master Yoda) to have the next chapter out on time. Might have to do another time skip. Hehe. Sorry again!

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