Chapter 13

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"We need to search the premises." A trooper says. "A Jedi was seen entering this camp, along with his Imperial hostage." The woman cocks her gun. "You seen anyone?" There's no response from NED-B. "Hey! I'm talking to you." The trooper shouts. Still no response.

"It's just a loader. It doesn't understand." A second trooper explains. "Come on. Let's try the next one." A minute later, the door hisses shut. All four of us sigh, relieved. The woman holds up a comlink.

"We've been compromised. We're coming to you now." She says.

"We're not ready. We need more—"

"I don't care. Get the ship ready, and hurry." She sheds her Imperial suit, revealing a light blue shirt underneath. "Someone must've seen us. We're moving up the timeline." Leia walks over to where the woman is putting on a red jacket.

"Is it scary?" Leia asks. The woman looks over at her. "Having to pretend?" Leia clarifies.

"Yes, sometimes. But it's worth it if I can help people." The woman says, tying her red jacket on. She attaches a holster and blaster to her waist. "I wear it on the other side. Gives me a faster draw." She explains when she catches Leia watching.

"Can you teach me how to shoot?" Leia asks. Obi-Wan turns around.

"Leia, come and get ready." Obi-Wan steers her away from Tala.

"She'll make a good fighter one day." The woman observes. I press myself further into the wall, trying to eavesdrop. Obi-Wan turns to look back at Leia.

"Yes, I think you might be right." He says.

"Yes." The woman says absently. Obi-Wan turns back.

"Why do you do this? Risk everything?" Obi-Wan asks her.

"I joined up when the Empire stood for something. By the time I realized what they really was too late. I made some mistakes." The woman explains.

"We all did." Obi-Wan agrees.

"I can't imagine Obi-Wan Kenobi doing anything wrong." Tala says. His eyes flick to me and I shrink away.

"It's just Ben these days." He says.

"Well, Tala." Tala says.

"I'm Luea." I say. Tala nods to me.

"Come on, this will take us out." Tala says, hurrying to a panel. A door opens, revealing a tunnel. Before we leave, I suddenly stand straighter and look around. Obi-Wan gasps shakily. We both turn to look at the door leading outside.

"Ben? Luea? What is it?" Tala asks. He leans against a wall. I stare out. "Ben." Obi-Wan opens the door that leads outside. I follow him to the outermost door, looking out in the streets. I look out the second slot, while Ben looks out the third or fourth. Leia joins me at the second slot while Tala looks out the same one as Obi-Wan. At the far end of the street I see the black clothes with red glowing bits that mean the Inquisitors are here. The townspeople run inside, shouting to each other. My father emerges from another street. Obi-Wan gasps. Father walks down the street. Obi-Wan ushers Leia back into the secret room. "Get back in the room. Go. Go. Now." Leia runs. I stay. Father passes the first few houses before suddenly stopping. The only sound is Obi-Wan and Tala's heavy breathing. My father extends a hand. From a window, a man is pulled out, grasping at his throat while Father chokes the life out of him. The man's son shouts for his father, while the woman holds him back. Before anyone can stop me I jump on top of a shelf and squeeze between the bars of a window, landing on the street. I muffle the sound of my boots hitting the gravel. Tala and Obi-Wan whisper-shout for me to come back inside.

"I can buy you time." I whisper before stepping up, moving away from the shop and into the center of the road. I slowly approach Father. The man hits the ground as Father releases him. The boy and woman rush out of their house to get the man inside. He's alive.

"Where is he?" Father asks. Summoning every last bit of courage I have, I shrug.

"I don't know. I was stuck on a transport that flew here. I found this town and was trying to get a radio or find an Imperial station." I say quietly.

"Are you injured?" He asks. I shake my head no. "And you saw no signs of a Jedi here?" Father asks.

"I didn't see anything, Father. But I wasn't paying attention." I reply. Father's head snaps up and he looks at where some barrels are stacked up against a wall.

"Come." I nod and follow my father out of the small town.

I'd stopped him from killing anyone tonight. Like Tala said, it's worth it.

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