Chapter 5

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The next day, I'm assigned to follow Third Sister and Fifth Brother. They almost immediately give me a street to patrol and leave. I sigh and sit on a barrel. A few minutes later, I hear a commotion from the next block over. Debating what I should do, I stand and run to the corner. I see Fifth Brother and Third Sister approaching a crowd. A few more people trickle by, most running away, but a few come to watch. I can't hear what's happening, but I don't dare get closer. A young man, dressed in commoner's clothes, glances at me. I have my normal Sith apprentice clothes on, and the black in sun is making me sweat like crazy. I also look a lot different than the other Tatooine people. But I guess that right now, the fact that I'm not with them separates me in the man's mind, because he takes a step toward me. "Look away, child." He says. I do, and my eyes land on an older man hiding in a small cave-like area, by an eopie. He's watching me with a weird expression. Guilt, maybe, or grief. His eyes flick back to the gathered crowd as the Third Sister picks out a target. She points at a middle-aged man with brown hair and a beard.

"You know something?" She asks. The man shakes his head. "What's your name?"

"Owen." He answers.

"Owen." Third Sister repeats. "Farmer, right? Wife? Kids?"

"My family's of no concern to you." Owen says.

"They might be." Third Sister says. "You got a Jedi on that farm too?"


"Why should I believe you?" Third Sister demands.

"I have no love for the Jedi. Jedi are vermin. I kill vermin on my farm." Owen says. Harsh. Definitely the right thing to say, but harsh.

"You protect your family." Third Sister takes a step closer and tugs on Owen's vest. "I like that, Owen." I make a face. "It's important." She takes another step closer and lowers her voice. I can't hear anything. But I certainly hear what she shouts next. "Tell me where the Jedi is or this man and his family die!" The crowd gasps. "The Jedi are cowards. They failed you, abandoned you. There is no point in protecting them. They would not do the same for you. But you can save this man," she points at Owen, "save his family." Third Sister stalks closer before igniting her saber against his throat. Owen looks surprisingly okay with it. Scared, yes, but he doesn't cry out or anything. The crowd gasps. The Fifth Brother slams a chip onto the counter. The holofigure of the Jedi from yesterday pops up.

"Enough!" He shouts. He stalks forward. "If you remember anything, rewards will be given." Thud Sister continues to hold her saber against Owen's throat. "Stand down, Third Sister." Fifth Brother says. "Now!" The red saber deactivates. Owen breathes a sigh of relief.

"You!" Third Sister points at me, though I had no doubt I was being addressed. "Get over here." I quickly follow, keeping my head down and walking in almost perfect sync. I ignore the sand in my shoes. Fifth Brother leads us into an alleyway, then slams Third Sister against the wall. I stand to the side, my head bent low.

"You are too impulsive." Third Sister pushes him away.

"I'm sick of wasting time! This place is beneath us!" She says, glaring heatedly.

"The Grand Inquisitor was right. You still want Kenobi. But he's gone, and you won't find him. We spent the last ten years looking for him."

"Maybe you've been looking in the wrong places." Third Sister says.

"What is it you think you will gain by capturing him?" Fifth Brother growls.

"What I'm owed." Third Sister answers. She pushes him farther away and stalks off.

"Be careful, Third Sister. You go too far." Fifth Brother warns.

"Maybe you don't go far enough." Third Sister retorts, staring at him before walking away. I fall into step behind Fifth Brother.

"Stay here and patrol for any suspicious activity. If you see anything call for us. Do not engage." Fifth Brother orders. I nod, exiting the alley from the other side. I return to where the Inquisitors had threatened the people. The older man I'd seen before has stepped out from his hiding spot and is standing next to Owen. I sidle close enough to hear. I miss what the man says first, but I hear Owen's response.

"I didn't do it for you." He turns and walks off. The other man looks at where the Inquisitor's ship had taken off and disappeared into orbit. I look around at the people. They all avoid my gaze and go out of their way to avoid me. I sigh. The Inquisitors won't be back. I know that. I'm stuck here on my own for tonight, and maybe longer. If I wasn't already hopeless, this would do it. I look around again. No one is walking in this street anymore. Now what am I going to do?

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