Chapter 20

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The next morning, I wake up early, according to my clock. It's hard to tell what time it is in space. The only way to tell is the Imperial clocks, which are all set to the standard time. I tap my tablet, double-checking my schedule even though I know it by heart-a habit since I was surprised by a briefing I was supposed to give-and it's a good thing I did. I don't have anything to do today. I'm completely free. And completely confused. Normally I don't have five minutes to myself. I restart the tablet, but it still says the same thing. I stare at it for another minute. What even is there to do? It's not like I'm on an explorable planet. I'm not even on a planet. I guess I could sleep in?

After a little bit of trying, I realize that's never going to happen. I keep visualizing the Grand Inquisitor barging through my door, furious at me for missing training and for getting medical attention. I want to go somewhere hidden, where he won't look. And as much as I hate to admit it, I'm hungry. Maybe there's an obscure area of the mess hall I can hide in. Instead, the second I step out of my room, I almost crash into my father. At the last second I jump back into the doorway. Oops.

I duck my head as he passes, avoiding eye contact. Maybe he'll move on? Nope. He stops. "I-I'm sorry, Father. I didn't mean to-"

"You don't need to apologize." My father says, turning toward me.

I look up. "Right, yes, I'm sor-" I cut myself off. It's kind of instinct to apologize. "...okay." I say, looking back at my feet. Father is silent for a second. I look up for a second, then look down again. "Um, is there anything I need to do today? I saw that my schedule doesn't have anything, but is that really true or, like, a glitch?" I force myself to stop talking before I embarrass myself.

"You have the day off while I investigate some things." He answers. I wonder if it has something to do with me, but I don't dare ask. I kind of hope it doesn't. Don't get me wrong, I hate the Grand Inquistor and would leave at the first opportunity. But I know what to expect from him. I don't know what my father wants. Like taking me to get my wound treated instead of just ignoring it or making it worse. I don't move until he turns the corner. Then I let out a silent breath and turn the opposite way, going to breakfast.

I probably spent about an hour at breakfast. I'd gone back to grab a book, so I ate and read. Mostly read. I'd sat in the corner, and everyone ignored me, talking with others instead. When the Grand Inquisitor stalked in, everyone fell silent and I'd snuck out. Now I'm kind of just wandering. Star Destroyers are huge, and I haven't seen all of this one, even though I've lived on it for years. It's all the same, though. Durasteel halls, the occasional hangar bay, storage rooms every five feet. I'm not allowed in the reactor room, the bridge, or the detention rooms. Those are about the only interesting places on this ship, so I'm just really bored. It's better than training, though. So much better.

I end up in a dark room filled with stormtrooper helmets, the standard black blasters, and a crate full of thermal detonators. I steer clear of the crate holding the bombs, but climb up to the small vent cover on the ceiling. I pull it down and swing into the small metal tunnel. I close my eyes, reaching toward the cover. It starts to float toward me. Footsteps echo outside the door. I concentrate harder and the cover starts floating faster. I get it into my hands just as the door opens. I clench my eyes tight, barely daring to breathe. It could be a stormtrooper, but it could be the Grand Inquisitor or my father. A few seconds later, I hear the door open and close again as the person leaves. Now I'm up here...and I don't know why. It seemed like a good idea, but now that I'm in the ventilation system, I don't know what I'm doing here. Probably hiding. Maybe I can do a bit of exploring from here? No, I decide, I'm just going to stay here and enjoy the solitude with no fear of the Grand Inquisitor barging in.

The next two days pass the same exactly same. Nothing in my schedule, so I go to breakfast, hide in the corner, then squeeze into the vents. The second day I bring some books with me and spend the day reading. I decide to use the Force and see how many I can lift at one time. And these aren't small books.

I get five before I have to lower them to the ground. It's just a gentle thunk, but a second later the door slides open. I hold my breath, not moving. I relax when I hear my father's breathing, but only a little. I start to breathe again. Still, I keep utterly silent. "Luea." I cringe. He definitely knows I'm in here. But...I almost think that if I didn't respond, he'd leave. Let me have some more time alone.

"Yes?" I say, cringing again at how small my voice is.

"Are the vent?" He asks. I shuffle around so I'm closer to the opening.

"Yeah." I hesitate for a second, thinking about adding on a thought, but the words die in my throat.

"Come down, please." I freeze. Wait. Did Darth Vader just say please?

I pinch myself. It stings slightly. Not a dream, then. I shuffle out backwards, slowly lowering myself down before dropping onto the crate I'd put below. "Yes?" I say again. My father sits beside me. I tense up, shoulders curling in slightly. I wonder what he's found. Hopefully nothing that makes me look weak. I don't...I'm not sure what would happen then. Everything I've heard from...well, everyone says that he doesn't tolerate weakness. Apparently being an officer under him is really dangerous. Sometimes more dangerous than being a stormtrooper. (Although I think that might be false, since from what I've seen stormtroopers are really good at getting themselves killed.).

"Starting tomorrow, you will be training with me." I really don't know how to react. On one hand, I think he sort of cares for me, or at least doesn't hate me like the Grand Inquisitor. On the other hand, this is Darth Vader. Second in command to the Emperor. He probably won't tolerate failure. And that's all I do. Fail, fail, fail.

"Okay." I say softly. Father rises and exits the room, leaving me alone.

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