Chapter 6

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I walk around the very edge of town, avoiding people. The sun is setting. The colors are beautiful, but nowhere near as vibrant as my home moon. Why am I walking on the very outskirts, far from where I'm supposed to be? I'm avoiding people. Whenever someone sees me, they point and whisper to whoever's near them, then get away. Some people sidle away, while others just blatantly run. It's awkward and makes me feel alone, so I avoid them.

I shiver. The temperature has dropped by at least fifty degrees. And it'll only get colder. Someone clears their throat. I turn and see...the Jedi. I jump back, gripping my comlink. "Wait," he says. I oblige, but keep the comlink in my hand.

"I'm supposed to call it in if I see you." I say.

"Do you want to turn me in?" The Jedi asks. I hesitate.

"It doesn't matter what I want." I say, but I hesitantly put the comlink back in my pocket. The Jedi breaths a sigh of relief. "The Inquisitors left for now, but they'll be hunting for you. You should leave-take the first ship out of here."

"To where? Wherever I run, they'll follow." The Jedi says. I open my mouth to argue, but it's true.

"Then find a cave or something here to hide in." I suggest.

"Come with me." The Jedi says. I look at him, surprised.

"But...I'm part of the program hunting people like you. The Jedi." I say, frowning.

"It's not to late to leave them." The Jedi points out. I know I can't. I'm an Inquisitor, not a Jedi, I would never be able to-who am I kidding? I want to. I want to leave so, so bad. I hesitate another moment.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Nari." The Jedi answers.

"I'm Luea." I say. "And I saw some caves on the way in."


For the first time in a long time, I fall asleep easily. It doesn't make much sense. The Inquisitors will be after Nari and me, when they find out I'm here, but I slip into sleep easily. No thoughts or worries keeping me up. It might just be because today has been more interesting and tiring than normal, but I think it also has something to do with the fact that the Grand Inquisitor isn't nearby. I'd helped Nari find a cave, then hidden it. Then Nari had left, trying to track down Obi-Wan Kenobi, who he thought he'd seen in town. I'd followed, and he had found Kenobi, but I guess Obi-Wan wasn't coming back. I didn't think that Obi-Wan really was here. Why would he live on Tatooine? There's nothing here. In the cave, there aren't any mats or anything, but the ground works. I'd cleared as much of the sand from where I'm laying as possible. It'll work.


Nari wakes me up at midnight. I sit upright quickly. "What...?" Then I feel it. Three Inquisitors coming toward the cave. "They're coming!" I gasp.

"There's a back entrance that way," Nari says, pointing. "I'll hold them off. You go." I stand.

"You can't hold them off. You have to run." I protest.

"I won't live on the run anymore." Nari says. I hesitate. "Go." I nod, running into the tunnel. I hesitate, looking back. Nari waits at the entrance to the cave. Casting a sad glance at him, I run.


I run all the way back to the town. It's silent except for a few animals skittering around, looking for scraps. I find an abandoned shop stall and hide myself under the table. Footsteps echo behind me. I clap a hand over my mouth, muffling my breathing. "I saw someone." Fifth Brother says. I recognize his raspy voice.

"There's no one here." Third Sister says, sounding annoyed. "You're wrong." Fifth Brother growls, but the footsteps retreat. I let out a shaky breath. They didn't see me. I let out a shaky breath and curl up. I'll never fall asleep now.

The next day, the people in the city gather around an arch. I squeeze through to the front, then bow my head. There, before my eyes, the Jedi hangs from a harness-like thing designed to make the murder visible to all. Someone starts pulling me away. I stumble, then turn back to see Ben from last night. Not Ben. Obi-Wan Kenobi. I still can't believe he's here. With his hands on my shoulders, Obi-Wan leads me through the crowd and into a deserted alley. From the crowd, I can hear someone crying. All the blood is gone from my face, leaving it pale and white. "Are you all right?" Obi-Wan asks quietly. I nod.

"I-I wasn't there when they killed him. He-he heard them coming and sent me away as fast as he could. I t-thought he got away." A tear runs down my cheek. "I should've stayed and helped him." I whisper.

"There was nothing you could've done." Obi-Wan says. "They would have killed you as well."

"Maybe that would be better." Tears run down my face now. I have to keep my emotions contained. The Inquisitors are in the city somewhere. I know they are, and if they feel my emotions spike, they'll know where to find me. "I don't want to hurt people. I didn't ask for this." Almost hesitatingly, Obi-Wan wraps his arms around me, giving me a hug. I flinch slightly, not used to it. Even back on my home world, no one had ever hugged me.

"It will be okay. You'll survive."

"I want to do more that survive." I whisper.

"You will. Someday." Obi-Wan says. I look up at him, wiping my eyes.

"Are you sure?" I ask. Obi-Wan looks beyond me, as if seeing someone that's not there. Or as if he's looking past the buildings and out into the desert.

"Yes." He answers. I smile, but it fades quickly.

"I have to go. They'll be looking for me." I hesitate. "Actually, they probably won't, and I don't want to get left behind." I hesitate again at the edge of the alley. "Thank you." I whisper, then turn and run. I continue until I reach the Inquisitor's ship. As soon as I step on the ramp, the ship takes off. I stumble, almost falling to my death, but find my balance and enter the ship.

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